
Showing posts from December, 2021

I Want Love

Last night, I was watching the movie Love, Rosie and it's honestly a very cute film about all those moments of missing out on true love with the one. Although it got me thinking that I feel like that is my life missing out on true love because I've never really experienced it.  This year I experienced my first ever date and it was just what I hoped for. A walk around while holding hands and drinking coffee. Going for food then going to the arcade and playing the games. It was honestly so perfect, and it made me so happy. Especially the guy who I experienced it with. For the first time, I thought maybe finally I've found the one and maybe I have because I'm still talking to him. Yet, I'm unsure if it will ever be serious. Of course I hope it will be, but life seems to always throw me these curve balls where a guy I choose to date doesn't want anything serious with me. I guess that's okay if you're used to it (which I am) but it's not okay when you don