My Most Favorite Inspirational Quote

I absolutely love this quote. I even have it in my bedroom because I love it so much. This quote just kinda of reminds me that it's okay to be a little bit weird or strange. Most people that know me think I'm weird or insane or crazy and I do accept that I'm not like most teenagers. I'm not about the drinking, smoking, drugs and what ever else most people think teenagers are like. I'm actually socially awkward. I'm not a big fan of social situations as I always have this constant fear that I'm going to make a fool out myself (as I usually do as I'm really really clumsy) or people are judging me or making fun of me. I get really paranoid which then leads me to get shy as I'm afraid of saying anything in case I say something stupid. Then before you know it everyone thinks I'm just a quiet person. In a way, I'm not really myself. I do have a voice and I do know that my reality/life is way different to most people my age. I...