May Favourites
For my final post of this month, I decided to go back to an old fashioned post and share my favourites that I've been loving this month. It's a classic and I only did two categories but honestly these are my top favourites of this month. Let's get started! TV I surprised myself watching a lot of random TV shows this month because I usually don't watch a lot of TV. Although most of these shows I have on in the background while I'm doing other things like getting ready or tidying up. So yeah, that's how I've accumulated a lot of shows this months. Granted a lot of these shows I haven't even finished the series, and some are rewatches but still. These are shows I've really enjoyed this month. 1. Not Going Out Over this month and the previous month, I was watching the entire series of Not Going Out and there's 12 series, so it was quite a long time. It's one of those shows I started watching a few years back because my dad was watching it when