
Showing posts from May, 2022

May Favourites

For my final post of this month, I decided to go back to an old fashioned post and share my favourites that I've been loving this month. It's a classic and I only did two categories but honestly these are my top favourites of this month.  Let's get started! TV I surprised myself watching a lot of random TV shows this month because I usually don't watch a lot of TV. Although most of these shows I have on in the background while I'm doing other things like getting ready or tidying up. So yeah, that's how I've accumulated a lot of shows this months. Granted a lot of these shows I haven't even finished the series, and some are rewatches but still. These are shows I've really enjoyed this month.  1. Not Going Out Over this month and the previous month, I was watching the entire series of Not Going Out and there's 12 series, so it was quite a long time. It's one of those shows I started watching a few years back because my dad was watching it when


So, I know a couple of posts ago I had a little rant about getting dumped which honestly sucks but then I wrote that post in April where feelings were raw. Little did I know how surprising the month of May will turn out. Let's just say I met a guy through Facebook Dating (which I didn't even realise was a thing, but it is, and I'd highly recommend it).  Honestly, I had just about given up hope on the prospect of finding love. I've now discovered that life has a weird way of surprising you. Sometimes it just makes you see there is another way. I'd tried plenty of fish and tinder with very little success so when Facebook Dating came about, I thought why not. Let's try it and see how it goes. Of course you still get some weirdos but sometimes you may find someone that genuinely wants to find something long term. So, I did something crazy one day and went to visit a guy who I had been talking to for about a week. Scary I know because I've heard all the horror st

My Bucket List - The Update

Back in 2017 I created a list of 30 things to do before I'm 30. I thought five years later I've completed some of the things on the list and thought why not give you an update on everything I've done. I'm writing this now as a 25 year old so I still have another five years to complete all these things. I know the bucket list is one of my popular posts, so I thought why not give you an update.  So let's get started: 1. Get My Degree Now this was one I knew I'd complete because when I wrote this list, I was in my third year, but I not only got one degree, I got a master's degree on top of that which when I wrote this first list, I did not ever think I'd do a master's degree but here we are. Getting two degrees is my highest achievement in my life so I'm pretty proud to have them and just really shows you can put your mind to anything if you really try.  2. Face a Fear When I wrote this the first time, I went on about being scared of heights but thi

My Bedside Table

So something different and fun I thought I'd share is my bedside table because sometimes you can tell a lot about a person from their bedside table. The bedside table itself, I literally have no idea where it's from because it was either second hand from someone and it has been in this house for a few years now. It has two drawers and cupboard at the bottom but I'm not going to go into those things because they are just too cluttered. We're just going to focus on the top of my bedside table and below is an overview of what is on my bedside table. Let's get started. The first thing I have is my bottle of squash because I'm someone who gets thirsty especially in the middle of the night so it's an essential for me to have a drink on my bedside at all times. This bottle is a Home Bargains and yes, I'm aware it's meant for water, but squash is mainly water so... Anyway, it's big enough for me and has a straw which makes it sipping in bed easier. Trust

What's On My Desk

As I spend a lot of time on my desk, writing blog posts and trying to figure my life out, I thought why not share what's on my desk.  Below is an overview of my desk. The desk itself is just a simple black desk from Argos. It's lasted me a few years now but honestly, I love it because it may be small, I still have plenty of space especially when I'm writing and blogging. I absolutely love it. It's nothing fancy, it's very simple but that why I love it.  The main part of my desk is obviously my laptop. Looking at this photo I realised how dirty it is and the Hogwarts stickers have faded a lot on it so I should probably deal with that. Honestly though, I love this laptop. I've had it now for a few years and it has so much memory. You don't realise how big 1TB of memory is until you get a laptop with one. It's an Asus Vivo book and honestly, I love it. The inside definitely looks better than the outside because it's this nice gold coloured keyboard and

Getting Dumped

One of the worst feelings in the world is getting dumped. Especially when it's so unexpected. Sometimes when you want a relationship to work, you at least try to work through any relationship issues you may have. At least you'd like to hope that would be the case. It might even show that they did care about you, but alas I wasn't so lucky. The worst thing to say though is to completely get friend zoned and say you can just be friends. Even more so when they don't even stick to that or even try to be friends with you. It sucks because he was the only person I was talking to on a daily basis and now I don't even have anybody messaging me unless they want something. I know it's been almost two months now since I got dumped (well it will be when this post goes up) but honestly it still hurts. Mainly because for the first time I thought he could be the one and to realise that he doesn't feel the same, does suck. I mean I do have to give him some credit because at

Why Do I Not Share Photos Of Me?

Something you may have noticed on this blog is that I don't share any photos of myself in any of the posts. Of course I do have photos of me on this blog on the sidebar and two of the pages, but I never share any of me in the post.  I think the reason is the beauty of blogging is I don't have to make myself look presentable and camera ready. Like right now I'm writing this post in my pyjamas with my hair in a messy bun because I couldn't be bothered to brush it. Yet you don't see that (because why would you want to see that for starters) but that's what so great about blogging is it's the words that matter. Of course photos matter as a blog post looks way more interesting if there's more photos but I don't feel the need to have to share photos of myself. I'm definitely not picture perfect and if I wanted to share myself to the world, I'd make a YouTube channel. That's why I love blogging so much because there's no pressure to look goo

Successful Habits

Do you ever want to think like your life is put together and feel like you can achieve anything? Well, I thought I'd share this list of five successful habits that you can do in order to live your best life.  1. Spend 30 Minutes tidying everyday Sometimes, life gets in the way whether it's work or school or plans. It may seem like you don't have any time to do any tidying up and suddenly everything starts to get cluttered. Dedicated 30 minutes every day to do some tidying of any clutter around the house. Whether it's picking things off the floor, putting your clothes away or just making the bed up. Honestly, it will make you feel good to have a quick tidy up. I'm not saying go full spring cleaning mode but if you make the effort to do 30 minutes then there will be less mess and when you do get around to a big spring clean then you won't have as much to do because you've already tidied daily for 30 minutes. If you make this a habit, then you will really feel

My Favourite Songs

Music has a way of changing your mood. There is a song for every mood. Now I don't have a particular favourite genre of music and I don't really keep up to date with the latest hits. However, I do have some favourite songs that always put me in a good mood, so I thought I'd share a list of all my favourite songs. Some of which may be Disney, musicals or just some random pop songs. Either way these are my favourites, and I don't care what anyone thinks.  1. Neverland from Finding Neverland (Musical) 2. Marry The Night by Lady Gaga 3. All About You by McFly 4. A Thousand Years by Christina Perri 5. Bikini Bottom Day by SpongeBob the Musical 6. Rewrite The Stars by The Greatest Showman 7. Speechless by Naomi Scott 8. If Only by Dove Cameron 9. (I Guess I) Miss You by SpongeBob the Musical 10. The Climb by Miley Cyrus 11. Bet On It by Zac Efron 12. Time Warp by The Rocky Horror Picture Show 13. Baby, One More Time by Britney Spears 14. Brazzle Dazzle Day by Pete's Drago

Day In My Life

I thought a fun post idea would be to share a travel day in my life as last month I went to visit my dad in England and thought why not share a photo journal of my travelling.  So let's get started: My travel morning starts like any other morning. In my bedroom.  Next, after a night's sleep the first stop is the bathroom for the obvious reasons. To relieve my bladder, brush my teeth and wash my face. One thing I try to do after the bathroom is make my bed because I hate leaving my bed in a mess. Especially if I'm travelling and not coming back for a week, it's nice to leave my place looking nice and tidy.  All tidy. Coffee is an essential in the morning and guaranteed most likely to have more than one mugs of coffee. I like to watch things while getting ready to start my day and one of the things I've been binge watching recently is Not Going Out. I love it. To make myself feel normal I like to do my makeup, but I keep it very simple. Plus I know this is the same ma