Catching Up

Hey everyone! Thought I'd make a blog post today as it has been over a week since my last post. The truth is I'm not entirely sure what to blog about because life has been pretty boring at the moment. The amount of times I've started writing a post then deleting it after a few sentences because I feel it's not good enough is probably not a very good blogger. I think after blogging everyday in April, I've kind of got blogger's block where I have no idea what to post about really. It happens though and maybe I should listen to my own advice on my blogger's block blog post . At least I'm writing this now and you're currently reading a blog post by me. A blog post is still a blog post at the end of the day. It doesn't matter how long or the content. It's a blog post. I think that the majority of my time is spent in work so sometimes I have to prioritise my work life over my free time. Also after work, I tend to spend my free time...