
Showing posts from 2021

I Want Love

Last night, I was watching the movie Love, Rosie and it's honestly a very cute film about all those moments of missing out on true love with the one. Although it got me thinking that I feel like that is my life missing out on true love because I've never really experienced it.  This year I experienced my first ever date and it was just what I hoped for. A walk around while holding hands and drinking coffee. Going for food then going to the arcade and playing the games. It was honestly so perfect, and it made me so happy. Especially the guy who I experienced it with. For the first time, I thought maybe finally I've found the one and maybe I have because I'm still talking to him. Yet, I'm unsure if it will ever be serious. Of course I hope it will be, but life seems to always throw me these curve balls where a guy I choose to date doesn't want anything serious with me. I guess that's okay if you're used to it (which I am) but it's not okay when you don

Life's A Climb

Have you ever hit rock bottom? I have. A few times. It sucks because you feel like the world is against you and that you're always feeling rejected, lonely, unhappy. That nothing will ever go right for you. Well, I'm here to tell you that there is a way out. It may take some time, but you'll get there eventually.  After spending months dealing with job rejection, heartbreak, and loneliness. I kind of thought things will never get better. I thought nobody will ever hire me and I'd be unemployed. I also thought I was never going to find a man and be with someone. Well, I'm now employed and seeing someone so I can tell you that things are looking up for me as they will for you. Yes, life is very hard sometimes and you're going to hit a lot of bumps in the road.  One song that I do enjoy listening to is Miley Cyrus' song The Climb because it is a very motivational song. There will be always another mountain and you will always want to make it move but it won'

10 Things I Learned From University

From going to university twice, one of those times being during the pandemic, I think I've learned a few things from the whole experience and thought why not share them with you especially if you're considering going to university or are at university who may just need a little help. Here are 10 things I have learned from university.  1. You can't be friends with everyone You may find during Fresher's week that you meet a lot of people. In my first year, I met half of my hall and we spent a lot of Fresher's week together. It was a great time. I thought I'd made so many friends in the first week and we'd be friends for life. Nope. After Fresher's week and the lectures begin, you may find you don't see as many people as you did on Fresher's week and you may find yourself not speaking to most of the people. Of course there will be those few you speak with and if I was you, I would stick with those because they can become some good friends. Don't

Is It Too Early For Christmas?

It is November. Halloween has been and gone. Bonfire night is tomorrow for us in the UK. I don't know if anyone else celebrates bonfire night in other countries but it's where the whole of the UK sets off fireworks. I'm working tomorrow but I'm going out in the evening to watch the fireworks with my mum and her friend. Although this post isn't about fireworks. I wanted to write about Christmas.  You've probably noticed that Christmas stock has come out in shops and most likely came out way back in August and September. I feel like we all have this same debate of whether it's too early for Christmas. To be honest with you, I feel like there is no right or wrong answer. Unless you're thinking about Christmas in the middle of Spring or Summer then that might be a little too early. Some people even think November is too early to think about Christmas but in a way, it kind of makes sense because when Halloween and bonfire night are over with than Christmas is

My Happy Place

We all have a happy place. A place that's brings us joy. It could be anywhere from your home to a city to a place that brings fond memories back. Perhaps it a place you feel relaxed or comforted. A place you go to when you're feeling sad. Your own little sanctuary.  For me, my happy place is my bedroom. That may seem silly to some, but some others may be able to relate.  In my lifetime, I've lived at eight addresses which in total means eight bedrooms. Although technically it could be nine bedrooms because I moved into my older brother's bigger room when he moved out. Either way a bedroom is a bedroom. It's just my own little sanctuary. Making your bedroom your own is very important. For me I can't stand bare walls in my bedroom. I don't know why but it just makes me feel weird. That's why I have posters in my bedroom. Now this may seem like a teenager thing but really posters have no age limit and to be honest when you live in rented accommodation and c

Dos & Don'ts For Online Dating

Life is most certainly not a fairy tale and if you're hoping to meet your soulmate with love at first sight then I'm sorry to say that you're going to be waiting a very long time. The world has changed a lot and it's becoming more difficult to meet people face to face. Especially after this whole pandemic. That's why you're more likely to meet the love of your life through online dating. Now this can be scary for many especially with the whole stranger danger concept.  Being single for the longest time, I was not sure about online dating. Especially because with apps like Tinder usually people are on there for one thing only and nothing serious. It's a struggle but sometimes you got to give a try because your future partner could be on there. From my experience of online dating and recently going back to online dating, I thought I'd share a list of some points that you may need to consider when going into online dating.  Please note this post may not be

My Favourite Movie

As someone who just loves watching movies and going to the cinema. How can you not like watching a movie? No matter how many movies you go and see there's always one that you'd happily watch over and over again. Now I'm going to talk about one movie because back in 2017 I made a post of my top ten favourite movies and looking back on it those are still my top ten movies but perhaps this one may knock off the top spot of that list. So what is my favourite movie you may be wondering after reading this paragraph? Well if you have been on my Instagram stories you may hazard a guess that one particular movie that came out this year, I fell in love with the first time I saw it in the cinema that guess what I saw another time in the cinema before instantly buying it on Amazon Prime again because I loved it so much and have watched it many times at home which makes the purchase well worth it. Any ideas?  Okay fine, I'll just say it:  It is Cruella.  Oh my, I absolutely love thi

Happy Halloween

It's the last day of October which means it's Halloween. Whether you celebrate the day or not I hope you have a great spooky day.  Whether you are out trick or treating, having a sleepover, and watching scary movies or just eating as many sweets/candy as you physically possibly can. However, you're spending the day I hope you have fun whatever it is you are doing. Even if you're working, I hope you were allowed to dress up because that might make the day even more exciting than usual.  My plans include watching a lot of Tim Burton movies which include Sweeney Todd, Edward Scissorhands, and Corpse Bride as well possibly the scariest childhood movie I've ever watched: Monster House. Trust me if you watched this as a kid, did it not terrify you because it terrified me. I haven't seen it in years, so I want to see if it's as scary. I'm not the biggest fan of scary movies anyway so you may find my choice of movies not that scary but there are no real rules fo

Things Are Looking Up

Do you ever feel like things couldn't be worse and then all of a sudden, a switch flips which makes everything great again?  That's what has happened to me.  After numerous of job rejections and failed interviews, finally I had an interview where right at the end, I was offered the job. Honestly, that was the best feeling I've had in a long time and couldn't quite believe it when it happened. Yet here I am, no longer unemployed and working at a job that I'm very excited about. Sometimes life does surprise you and when you think nothing good ever happens to you then suddenly something will. I always believe that everything happens for a reason and that's the same in this case. I hoped that one day a job will hire me, and it will be one I'm very excited for. No longer will I be scrolling through the job websites, going through countless applications. Finally I'll be working.  However, you would think that's all the good news I have. Nope. Recently afte

Thank You!

Dear Readers,  Thank you. You visiting my blog means a lot to me. I have been blogging now for over seven years. One thing I never imagined for this blog was getting over 1000 page views, let alone over 39,000 page views. That is crazy to me that my blog has been viewed that many times. I may not be a well-known blogger and I'm not sure how I would feel to be a popular blogger because I'm so introverted, but it means a lot that my words can be seen by anyone all over the world. Whether it's me rambling about something in my life or offering a piece of advice that could help someone. Maybe even something I said made someone's day. Either way, whether you've read only one of my posts or are a frequent reader of my blog then I'm grateful for it. Whether it's one person or 30 people. It makes blogging worthwhile knowing someone has read my blog post. I know I'm not the best blogger especially after the numerous breaks from blogging I've had over the year

Walking Date Essentials

I mentioned in my previous post talking about dates you can do alone and one of the suggestions I made was taking yourself on a walking date which got me thinking maybe I should let you know some essentials you can take on a walking date with yourself. Of course you can go on a walking date with a friend or partner so these essentials can work for any time you go for a walk.  1. Comfy Walking Shoes I think this is a pretty obvious thing to take when you're walking but just in case you forget, wear comfy shoes whether it's trainers or walking shoes or converse. Just wear some comfy shoes because there's nothing worse when you're out for a walk and your feet hurt because you wore the wrong shoes so on your next walk maybe don't wear heels. I know this is an obvious tip, but I thought I'd better put it in there just in case you forget.  2. Rucksack/Backpack  Whatever it is you call it; this is probably essential not just a walk but for everyday life. I love my litt

Dates You Can Do Alone

Often when you're single and spend the majority of your time alone, it may feel like you can't go on dates anymore. Now if you've read any of my previous posts before then you know I've never been on a proper date with a guy. I've done everything else except an actual date and been official. However, I have actual had dates with just myself. Now obviously some of these things you can do with a partner or even with your friend or you can do with yourself. There's no right or wrong way but this is just a little comfort to know you can go on a date with yourself.  1. The Cinema Often going to the cinema may seem like something you have to do with other people but honestly nobody really cares whether you're with people or alone. I'm now so confident going to the cinema by myself and I love it. I make the most of it, booking in advance and choosing my seat. I get to have popcorn and a drink all to myself. Honestly, nobody really notices if you're in the c

It's Okay To Be Selfish

Being selfish is often seen as a negative trait.  However, it all depends really on the type of selfishness really. If you're being selfish to hurt someone or be mean or just to get yourself ahead of everyone else, then that's not okay. However, if you're being selfish because you want to take care of yourself and work on your happiness then that's okay.  I think we live in a world where we want to please everyone that sometimes we forget to please ourselves. It's okay to have me time and it's definitely okay if you want to be alone. People can be annoying sometimes, and you just need a break. It doesn't mean to cut them off completely, but you do need that time to recharge and work on yourself. I've come to learn that every day you should do something to work on yourself whether that's a bit of exercise, eating healthier, reading a book, or even tidying your home. Every day you should do something for you. It may make life a little happier for yours

Where Have I Been?

Oh boy, I meant to make this post back in September, but I wasn't happy with the post I made and then I completely forgot until now.  I don't even know how to explain my absence from this blog because I don't know why I left it so long. I had planned to blog every day in August I even have 8 draft posts but a lot of them were unfinished and the posting never happened. Let's just say life got in the way and a lot has happened since I last posted on here.  As some of you know if you've been reading my blog, I was in Manchester this year studying for my master's degree and over the summer I had a 14,000 word dissertation to complete. My life became very busy and stressful doing this dissertation but also the worry about what I was going to do after my master's degree. My original plan was to do an internship after my dissertation but after several unsuccessful interviews and job applications that didn't happen, so I had to move back to plan B which is to mo

Will I Ever Find Love?

I do wonder this from time to time if I'll ever find love. I've never been in love or ever been in an official relationship. It's very confusing because I've experienced several of my firsts. First kiss. First time. I've only ever dated two guys in three years. However, they never were official. I've mentioned that my first experience with a guy ended up me being the other woman which was heart breaking for me because I wanted things to go to the next level but obviously they didn't because he tells me he doesn't want a relationship and then I found out via Facebook that he had a girlfriend for four years. It hurt because it wasn't really serious so it shouldn't have bothered me as much as it did, but it does bother you. Especially when someone tells you that they don't want a relationship with you it makes you wonder why not? This other guy was also nothing serious and had only seen him twice then lockdown happened which meant I couldn't

I Don't Know What To Do With My Life

I thought I'd make this post because I know there is probably a lot of people who feel the same way I do and have no idea what to do with my life.  I'm twenty four and if someone tells me where do I want to be in five years? Honestly, I have no idea. Don't get me wrong, I'm not an unhappy person. I'm currently studying a master's degree in Manchester and I'm happy that I've managed to do this. However, in two months I'll be moving back home to Wales and if you're wondering what's next after that. Honestly, no idea. Not a clue. All I know is I'll be surrounded by the best supportive people I know, and they are my family and my best friend. It may feel like you're taking a step back moving back home after living on your own, but it is not. It is hard knowing I could be living in Manchester and embracing the opportunity, I love the city of Manchester and I know for a fact I will return one day but at the moment I'm not in the best fi

My Reading List

As you know I am a massive bookworm and I have a reading list of books that I'm really excited to read so I thought I'd share with you my current reading list.  Current Read: The Switch by Beth O'Leary I feel I'm a bit late to the party with this book as it came out last year but being a reading slump for several months didn't help then being in lockdown in Wales while this book was in Manchester also didn't help. I have been excited to get around to reading this as I enjoyed The Flatshare and this sounded like a fun read. It's about a grandmother and granddaughter switching lives and it reminded me of those body switching or swapping lives stories like Freaky Friday or The Parent Trap. I've only read two chapters but I'm already excited to keep going with this book. I think she's a great writer and usually I don't like those multiple character stories as I feel they get confusing sometimes but with Beth's stories they just work. It worke