Back To Normal
It does feel weird with things slowly going back to normal because we've been in this situation before where we thought everything was going back to normal then the cases got worse leading to another lockdown happening and we were pretty much back to square one again. I think the world has definitely changed from this entire pandemic and if it will ever be the same before the pandemic happened remains a mystery. Even now with things opening up and I'm seeing people travelling around or going out socialising, I kind of want to scream what are you doing we're still in a pandemic. Do you not remember last time when we thought things were going back to normal then everything got worse? I guess it's my nerves and feeling anxious about the future because lockdown was depressing for me. At first it was great but now I'm sick of it. Yet the thought of going back to normality is a worry for me because I'm nervous. Of course many are being vaccinated right now which is b