
Showing posts from April, 2019

Last Day of April

Here we are, the final day of April. I managed to post everyday in April aside from four days. It was bound to happen. When you post everyday for a month on your blog, it is kind of difficult to come up with 30 posts and make them all interesting. I did have a couple of short posts on some days but at the end of the day a post is a post no matter how long or short it is. I do recommend to any fellow bloggers out there to give it a try and post everyday for an entire month. It definitely motivates you to blog more and I am more inspired to post regularly on this blog. Be sure to stick around this space as I will be posting more regularly and who knows maybe I do a week of posts. You never know. For now though, I want to thank anyone who has read my blog for this entire month or just anyone who has even read my blog. It means a lot that someone has taken the time out to check out my little space of the internet. I hope you have a lovely day and I'll be back again soon wi

April Favourites

As it's coming to the end of April, I thought I'd share a few of my favourite things which I have been loving this month. It's not going to be a huge list because my life isn't very exciting but these are just a few things which I have enjoyed this month. 1. Jigsaw Puzzles I recently discovered a love of doing jigsaw puzzles when I spent eight hours doing one. As much as it is time consuming and frustrating at times plus the end result you'll have to destroy eventually. However, I just find it so relaxing and watching the picture slowly come together is a satisfying feeling. Definitely want to do some more jigsaw puzzles next month. 2. Journaling I recently got back into journaling again and realising how stress relieving it is. Just writing all my thoughts and feelings down on paper for only me to see. I write about all the things bringing me down and all the things that have made me happy. The best part is nobody will read because I won't let them

Graduate Blues

I didn't really know what to call this post so I just went with graduate blues because it's kind of the topic I want to talk about today. Being a graduate. I feel like I'm not living the graduate life to the full potential. You always here the graduate success stories of people who go onto high paying jobs which are related to their degree and have an amazing life. Then there's the rest of us. Who have no idea what we're doing with our lives. I'm currently working in a part time job which does pay well and I'm saving a lot money by living at home with my mum which is great. However, I feel like I'm not actually using my degree for anything at the moment because my job has nothing to do with my degree. It kind of makes me wish I made more use out of my university's career guidance. I did have plans to hopefully get a job this year involving my degree and move out. However, that seems less and less likely. I've grown to learn there's n

Work. Eat. Sleep. Repeat.

You may have noticed my lack in blog post yesterday. That's because I've been busy working. It's a sad part about being an adult and finishing education. Your job becomes a huge part of your life. You're either wearing a work uniform or pyjamas. It's rare when I actually put on normal clothes. Most of the time I'm working and usually after work, if was a long shift then I'd either take a nap or eat some food. I barely want to do anything after work or even before work. Then on my days off I try and do things but most of the time I'm tired because I've been working five days in a row and all I want to do is sleep. I feel guilty when I waste my days off by being lazy because soon my day off goes by in a flash and it's back to work. It's a struggle and that's why I'm late posting sometimes because I've been working and barely have any motivation to write a blog post. Luckily I only missed a day. Although I nearly didn't

What To Do When You're Bored

Don't you just hate those days where you feel like there's nothing to do and when you try to do something, you don't get any enjoyment out it so you stop doing it. Then you're back to square one. Yeah. Feeling bored does suck. Yet I'm here to help you by giving you ideas on what to do when you're bored. Let's get started! 1. Start cleaning This may be the last thing you want to do but honestly the best way to not feel bored is to do something. Have a clear out of your wardrobe. Tidy your bedroom. When was the last time you looked under your bed. The saying goes tidy house, tidy mind. Sometimes when I've started tidying my bedroom, I do get annoyed to begin with because I don't know where to start. However, when I'm in the process of tidying my bedroom then I don't want to stop until it is done. Just take a look around your bedroom right now and see if you can spot some clutter. I bet you anything that clutter is bothering you righ

Question Time

For today's post I felt like answering a few questions. I'll leave a link below to where I got the questions from. I just felt like doing a little Q&A but I don't exactly have a big following to probably get any questions. I thought it would be just fun to answer some questions and for you guys to get to know me a little bit more. Let's get started: 1. On a scale of 1-10, how strict were your parents?  I'd say around 5 because they weren't overly strict growing up. They kind of set the boundaries as most parents do. The only thing that got on my mums nerves was I was a bit of a messy child and would struggle to clean my room when I was a kid. She'd always tell me when you're finished playing with something then put it back but I kind of played with one thing then play with another without tidying up. That's how my room would turn into a mess. I've improved a lot since them and am a lot tidier but yeah my parents weren't overly

Bad Day Plan

Everyone has had a bad day. They can be a regular occurrence or once a month. However often you have a bad day, I'm here to help. I've got a few tips to help you so when you do have a bad day then you'll have a plan on what to do. 1. Listen to some music I don't know what it is but there's a song for every mood. Sometimes the lyrics can relate so much to you and it feels like the song was written for you. I don't about you but listening to music always makes me feel better. Whether it's listening to some absolute banging tunes where I feel like dancing to my hearts content or it's a playlist of songs from musicals. It always makes me happy. If you're having a bad day just sit and listen to your favourite songs. Hopefully that will improve your mood a little. 2. Go for a walk When you have a bad day then all you want to do is curl up in a ball in bed all day. However, the best thing to do when you're feeling low is to get out of the

My Blogging Advice

As I've been blogging for nearly five years now, I thought I may as well give some advice to any new bloggers out there or any bloggers that want some advice. I'm just going to point out that I'm no expert in blogger or a professional. I just blog for fun but you can either take on board some of these tips or not. I would also love to hear if you have any advice about blogging. Let's help out all the bloggers out there. Anyway here's some of my blogging advice. 1. The First Post Some people say the first post is either the making or breaking of you. (Actually I've never heard anyone say that.) They do say though that first impressions matter. The beauty about a blog is anyone can stumble across it at any time. Not just on the first time you post. My first post was just a little introduction about me and then I just did a tag of 25 questions about me. It wasn't the best post I've ever written. The post actually has fifteen page views and it's

5 Ways To Unwind

Sometimes life can be stressful which makes it hard to unwind and relax for the evening. I thought why not help you guys by giving you five ways to unwind and relax for the evening. Let's get started 1. Take a bath I find taking a bath can be so relaxing because you can just lay there listening to your favourite music or I sometimes watch an episode of a TV show. I find it more relaxing than taking a shower because you're just laying there. You can take your time. The water is hot for ages and it's all good. Especially when it's one of those baths where you don't need to wash your hair. It's just nice. Just try not to fall asleep in the bath because that can be dangerous. That's why it's good to have something to do in the bath like listening to music or watching something. 2. Comfy clothes As it's the evening you're allowed to put on some comfy clothes or even your pyjamas because who even cares what you look like. The best way to r

My Pet Peeves

I did this a couple of years ago where I talk about my pet peeves which are basically things that grind my gears and annoy me so much. We all have pet peeves and I thought I'd share my pet peeves with you guys because I thought why not. I've got some new pet peeves but if you want to see my other pet peeves then I will leave a link below to my other blog post. Anyway, on with the list of my pet peeves: 1. People who talk down to me I'm a twenty two year old which means I'm not a child. I'm an adult and one thing I hate is when people talk down to me like they think they're better than me. It really annoys me because I'm an adult and I'm free to do what I like as most adults do. I just hate it when entitled people think they're better than everyone else and feel need to talk to people below their standard. I'll admit I'm part of the working class and in no way high class at all but so is the majority. I'd say only the queen is bet

Let's Have A Chat

As usual I have nothing exciting to post about today which is perfectly fine as I'm still not a professional blogger. I know I've been blogging for almost five years now but I wouldn't say I was an expert at blogging. I make a lot of mistakes sometimes whether that's spelling or just not preparing anything. This post is actually not prepared at all. I'm just laying on my bed just typing away right now in the hopes that something good will come out of this post. One of the things I get inspiration for blog posts is YouTube videos where the YouTuber just talks about topics and just has a chat. I would love to just ramble on in a blog post. Although I'm kind of doing that now to be honest. Hope you don't mind. I wish I could do a kind of Q&A post but I'm don't think nobody would even ask me anything. If you do have a question though feel free to comment below. I would love to hear your thoughts because I have no idea if anyone actually reads

Chester Zoo

As you can probably tell from the title of this post, today I went to Chester Zoo. I thought it'll be just a fun little photo journal opportunity where I just share all the photos I took from the day. I didn't take a picture of all the animals because sometimes it was difficult to see as there was a lot of people around so I could barely get a good shot. I also learned that it is sometimes better just to appreciate being there without having to take a load of photos. I didn't even post much of my trip there on Instagram or Snapchat. It was kind of refreshing. I did manage to take several photos which I'm going to show you now. We went on a lazy boat cruise. I hope you enjoyed this little photo journal of my trip to Chester Zoo. I've never actually been to Chester Zoo before so it was nice to experience it and do something a little different on my day off. I really had a great day

How To Be Single?

Nope this is not a review of the movie with the same name but if you are single then do go check it out because it is a fun feel good movie to watch. This is just a little post from yours truly on how to be single. As I've been single for pretty much 22 years of my life, I'm going to give you some tips and ticks on how the single life works and what you should do so let's get started. 1. It's okay to be single We live in a world where by the time you're an adult, you're supposed to find true love and get married in order to live a happy life. However, having been a child of divorced parents I've learnt that marriage is not forever. I know people can be happily married for years and years but I also know that marriage can lead to divorce. Just know it's okay to be single because you don't have to worry about the thought of divorce or that your significant other is cheating because you're already single. The only person you need to worry a

Back To Work

The weekend is over and Monday is here which means for most of us is back to work. Sorry for the lack of blog posts these past two days but Saturday was a travel day where I was travelling home from my dad's house and Sunday was just kind of a chill day where I didn't want to do anything except be really, really lazy. I'm back now but I also have to go back to work today after having 9 days off. It always feels weird going back to work when you've been off for a while. I don't know why. I always feel nervous that's there's been a big change to the system or I'm going to forget what I'm doing and panic. It's kind of silly that I do get nervous because usually I go into work and everything is fine. I'm just an overthinker who always manages to overthink the worst case scenarios but the chances of them happening are very slim. I just kind of freak myself out a little but then I calm down and just get on with it. It's normal for me.

What's In My Bag?

Today, I thought I'd share with you a what's in my bag post because it has been a while. So I'm going to show you what's in my bag now: My bag is a Barcelona cross body bag is actually from Calella when I went on holiday in Spain last year. I got it from a shop call the Spar and it has suited me perfect. It's big enough to fit everything I need. I just love it. The first thing that I pulled out is my pen. I got this pen from poundland I believe and it's just a bic pen which has the four colours on it. I just like carrying a pen around because you never know when you're going to need a pen. The next thing is a little ruffled but it serves its purpose as a little shopping bag. Here in the UK carrier bags cost 5p and it's really annoying sometimes so instead I like to carry my own little shopping bag. I got this bag for free when I ordered online at Superdrug. It says "with great brows comes great responsibility." Thi