Not Long Now
The realisation just hit me that I do not have long left until my third and final year of university is over. My last deadline is on the 9th May which is in 10 weeks and I have one exam afterwards then that's it. I'll be done with university. You don't realise how quickly your final year of university goes by. As soon as you reach the end of February that's when it suddenly becomes real that you don't have a lot of time left. Granted there is a lot of work which still needs to be done in those ten weeks but it's kind of scary. I submitted my fourth assignment of third year on Tuesday so I ended up checking to see what my next deadline was and it turns out to be my dissertation in April. Yeah. The big dissertation. The one that every third year dreads and it's my next deadline. After that I have four assignments and an exam but still. That's when it really hit me that I don't have long left until my third year is over. It's both sad and excit