30 Things To Do Before I'm 30

I thought I would do one of those posts where I talk about things I want to do in the future and why not do a 30 things I want do before I'm 30 so I have about nine years to achieve these thirty goals for myself. It's also something I could look back on when I am thirty years old to see if I actually have achieved any of these things. Hopefully I will but we'll have to wait and see in nine years time. 1. Get my degree Now this is probably an obvious one as I'm in my third year of university but honestly after two years of doing university it would be nice if next year I could have a degree. I also thought I'd start this list with something I could definitely achieve (fingers crossed) before I'm thirty years old. 2. Visit Harry Potter Studio Tour/Harry Potter World/Both As I am a massive Harry Potter fan I would actually like to visit the studio tours in London or visit Harry Potter world in Walt Disney World because they look absolutely amazing and wo...