My Updated Blog Schedule

Hello everybody, I thought as it's the last day of March I'd make a post saying about my blog posting schedule for April and hopefully for the rest of the year. I suppose April is going to be a test as to whether I can stick to the schedule as we know the last time I didn't quite stick to a schedule. Anyway, I've done a lot of thinking about days in which I'm busy at university and when I'm not busy. From doing this thinking I've come up with a reasonable schedule which could lead me to posting three times a week. I figured those would be good days as Tuesday I have a lecture from 9am until 11am and nothing after so I'll have plenty of time to make a post on that day. Usually that day spent doing nothing so now I can actually do something on that day. Thursday is another good day as I only have one lecture between 11am and 1pm so that's another good day for me to make a post. Then of course there's the weekend where I'm normall...