I'm Back

Hello everyone! I know it's been two months since I last made a blog post. To be honest with you, I don't really know why it has taken me this long to write a blog post. England has been in lockdown after all so you'd think I'd have time to make a blog post. I guess I've been busy working on assignments while also trying not to get stressed over these assignments. I guess blogging just sort of took a backseat in my life because I was focusing on writing for these assignments, I couldn't focus on writing blog posts. I've come to learn I'm not the best at multitasking. Another thing really is I wasn't really sure what to post about because nothing exciting has really happened these past two months. My day is even going into uni once a week for lectures or doing an online lecture or going to the library. When it's not related to uni, I'll be doing my weekly trip to the supermarket on my student budget to buy essentials or else be in my room eit...