
Showing posts from September, 2017

Back To Uni

Hello readers, Sorry I haven't really blogged much this week but I've been busy trying (and failing) to organise my life. As you may notice from the title I am back in university. Well, it's still Freshers Week at the moment but still I'm in my university house ready for my third and final year. I haven't really done much for Freshers Week because my housemates have placements and none of the events really interested me. On Tuesday there was meant to be a foam party with Kem from Love Island but they cancelled the foam for next Wednesday (my birthday actually) but Kem from Love Island still came for a meet and greet so I got a photo with him which was pretty cool. It's not everyday you meet someone you watched on the telly. Anyway, me and my friends still had a dance and afterwards we got food as our student bar has a burger van outside of it which is literally the best thing ever. So yeah, I also went to the Freshers Fair and got loads of freebies whic

Blogging Thoughts

I was just sitting at my mum's dining room table this morning. Home alone and surrounded by laundry as well as the remains of what I had for a breakfast. An empty bowl and half a mug of lukewarm coffee (which I will still drink because coffee.) Here's a picture of my current view right now. Yeah. This is literally my view right now. It's not the standard Instagram worthy blogging photo but oh well. It's real. It may not be perfect but this is currently what I'm living as I write this. If you're wondering why I'm sitting here and not in my bedroom is because I was eating my breakfast here while on my laptop but also because I'm actually waiting for an amazon delivery which is for my friend back at university. Her birthday was in August but I'm not seeing her until I go back to university in a few days time so yeah. I'm actually writing this post on the 12th September at eleven o'clock in the morning but you won't see this post unti


Ah Autumn! (Or as some people call it Fall) I just love this time of the year. As much as I love the summer break and the warm weather. I personally prefer the Autumn/Winter time of the year. I suppose I like September because it's like the start of the academic year. It's like a new beginning and I guess I kind of like being distracted by university as I'm doing productive things rather than just barely doing anything. Although I've just realised that this will techinally be my last academic year as it is my final year of university. That actually feels so weird to me. I've been in education since I was about four and I have not had a break from it. When I finished sixth form two years ago, I went straight from their to university. I didn't take a gap year before uni so it's kind of weird that this is actually my last academic year. I suppose it might not be because I might decide to do a Master Degree later on but for now this is it. My final year o

University Move In Day Advice

Some of you are probably about to move in to university for the first time maybe this weekend or next weekend. As I'm about to go into my third year. I have some advice for you guys from my first year which might be beneficial to all you freshers to think about on your move in day so lets get to it. 1. Arrive Early Now your university may be three hours away or more but that just means you have to leave your house early in the morning or arrange to stay in a hotel the night before with your parents. Whatever it is you decide to do just arrive early. If you arrive to your accomendation early then you can quickly get settled and you'll have a first pick of your kitchen cupboard, a shelf in the fridge and a freezer drawer. Plus if you're early then you can meet new people as they arrive and make friends. 2. Do a grocery shop before you arrive Whether it's a quick trip to the supermarket to get the essentials like milk and bread. Just do a quick shop before you a

University Packing List

It is September so I'm sure a lot of you are getting ready to go to university for the first time and are unsure as to what you actually need to pack. It's so tempting to just bring your entire bedroom or something just in case you might need it but in reality you probably will not touch it for an entire year. As I have been in university for two years now. I thought I'd give you a guys a list of what you should definetly bring to university. 1. Important Documents There are a few important documents that you do not want to forget before going to university. Don't forget your passport and some other form of ID because you may need some ID before getting university and also you will need ID if you are planning on drinking. Don't forget any important letters you've had from the university before you've arrived (including your acceptance letter) because you may need those and it's best to keep them all together. Take your student loan forms as we

University Dos and Don'ts

As it's coming up to the time where everyone is going back to university. There are a few dos and don'ts which you may need to know. This is just my own opinion as I'm coming up to my final year of university and here's a few things which I have learnt along the way. I'm sure there are many so let's just get on with it. . Dos: Be yourself. If you stay true to who you are and you'll make more friends in long run and you don't have to pretend. Plus everyone likes different persoanlities and they'll soon warm up to yours. Be adaptable. Adapt to different personalities and try new things. Be an open book to everything and anyone. You're more likely to make more friends if you adapt but don't change yourself completely. Go out and meet new people. If you walk around your halls, someone will have their door open and you can go in for a chat. Hang out with people. Show that you can be a socialable person sometimes. Make a plan to do som

Goals For My Final Year

As you may know, this year I am in my third and final year of university and I thought I'd might set myself a few goals for me to achieve so when it comes to finishing my third year I can recap my year and whether or not I've achieved these goals over the year. 1.  Get a part time job Now this might seem really random to you all but honestly I really want to get a part time job. Over the past two years of being at university I did not get myself a part time job and I feel like that's held me back. The reason I didn't get a part time job is my student loan pretty much covered all my finances and I didn't feel like I needed the extra money. In reality though a part time job is kind of useful as you gives you experience of work as well as earning extra money. I plan to put the money I earn and put it in my savings account which will then go towards my future for life after university. I figured you need money to be able to do what you want to do for life after un

Final Year

At the end of this month, I'll be heading back to university to start my third and final year of university. It is crazy that two years ago I was getting ready to head to my first year of university. Nobody lies when they say university flies by because it really does. This is like the most important year out all of them because these assignments all add up to your degree and determines what grade you'll get. It's also about figuring out what you're going to do after university which is something I'm not even sure I know yet but I'll have to figure it out and do my research. It's all the year of the dreaded ten thousand word dissertation which I am already freaking out about and I haven't even begun it yet. Although I have started coming up with ideas and questions to do for it. I'd recommend you do this before starting your third year because at least in the first lecture you can tell your tutor your ideas and then they'll let you know

Turning A Bad Day Around

Everybody gets a bad day and they absolutely suck. Sometimes they can happen unexpectedly and sometimes you just know when a day is going to be bad. Now I could go over all the potential scenarios for a bad day and give you advice for it but I think you could pretty much do that for yourself. I'm just going to tell you five ways on how to turn a typical bad day around. 1. Talk to someone Sometimes just having a friend or a family member or just someone you're close with to talk to is always a good way to turn a bad day around. I know sometimes you don't want to bother people with your problems but if you actually talk to someone who you care about and you know cares about you takes a big weight off your shoulders. You know what they say a problem shared is a problem halved. It is true because sometimes another person can see things from a different perspective which you may not realise. Also if you let someone like a friend or a family member know about your bad day t

Coming Back To Blogging After A Blogging Break

As most of you have noticed, I did take quite a big blogging break. It was unitentional and I didn't mean for it to happen but it did so I guess we have to just move on. Anyway, I wanted to talk about coming back from blogging after taking a blogging break. I've realised that blogging can be so hard sometimes and it takes a lot of hardwork as well as dedication to maintain your blog. I absolutely love blogging. I love getting an idea for a blog post then writing down and creating the content of the blog post to the moment where I hit publish and let the world see my work. I absolutely love it. It's great when that happens. However, blogging can be quite hard sometimes. It's all good and well to have a great idea for a blog post but the struggle can happen when creating the actual the content for the post. Sometimes you're writing something and you just stop and think. "Does this actually make sense?" "Will my readers understand what I'm try

Welcome Back!

Hello again. I know. I know. It's been a while. My last post was back in April so having a four month break from blogging was not intentional. I'm not entirely sure as to why I took this blogging break. I had so many ideas for this blog in the summer and I just didn't really get around to writing them down. I couldn't find the words and what I was writing I just felt like it wasn't good enough. Countless times I came back to this blog and made a post that I would write about my absence and say stuff like I've written loads of new posts ready to go up so I can get back into the blogging game but honestly I hadn't written anything. Well I've written some things but it just wasn't complete or ready to be published onto the blog. I would have been lying to myself and this blog. That's why I never posted those posts about returning to blogging because I knew in my mind I wasn't ready to come back to blogging. It's not that I hate blog