Last post of 2014

Hey guys! So today is officially the last day of 2014. This year has gone quick, but then again every year always seems to go quick when you reach December 31st. For starters, this blog came to exist on on the 16th May 2014. I know I haven't made many posts during the year, but I promise you that in 2015. I will post more regularly with one or two posts a week. Another thing, my Saturdays stopped being a lazy day when I had to volunteer at a charity shop. It was an amazing experience and the people were so nice. Next, I did my AS levels and did well in them. I also did loads of artwork which I'm proud of and never thought I could do. I can't wait to do more in 2015. I got to celebrate my little brother's second birthday which was nice. I also broke my left arm over the summer and I had to have surgery which was very annoying. I also celebrated my 18th birthday which was great. Then I got to go to New York...