September Favourites
As we are at the end of September I thought it would be a great time to share all the things I've loved this month. Let's get started! 1. Wizards Of Waverly Place This was honestly one of my favourite TV shows when I was a teenager. It was very relatable and I definitely related to the character of Alex growing up. I actually started watching the series earlier this year and got to the beginning of Season 3. This month though I was trying to figure out something to watch and decided to continue where I left off with Season 3 and I'm glad because I do enjoy this show. I've been meaning to binge watch all the Disney Channel shows I used to watch for the longest time but I only ever got so far. Now though I'm confident I will finish watching Wizards Of Waverly Place as I've just finished Season 3 this month so I'm on track to completing the series. This is definitely a show I've been loving this month. 2. With This Kiss by Carrie Hope Fletcher I finally g