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Viva Las Vegas

Bright light city is honestly the most incredible experience of my life. It still feels like a dream that just flew by. After months of preparing for this trip, it being over in a week just shows that it's true when they say time flies when you're having fun and believe me I had a lot of fun. I'm one of those weird people that gets excited about the airport and going on a plane. I also learned that I get anxiety about the weirdest things compared to my family. My family was more scared of the flight and turbulence. I don't mind that, I'm terrified of security and not being let through for whatever reason or there's something wrong with the boarding passes or passports. Even though I've triple checked everything.  When we got to Vegas, they were not kidding when they said it's a bright light city because there's flashing signs and buildings everywhere. It's honestly incredible. Even when we got to our hotel which was  The Excalibur there was an at

Happy Birthday To Me

Another year of growing older and wiser. Honestly, turning twenty eight feels no different to twenty seven. Except slightly scarier because in two years time I'll be thirty which I'm not ready for. I feel like I need to get a move on with my bucket list as I've only got two years to finish it. Although I think I've made good progress on it so that's something at least. I remember I used to want to make a big deal out of my birthdays but these days I'm quite happy to just chill. Today I'm going to see my family, then we're having homemade Chinese for dinner plus cake which is always good. As you get older though, people always ask what you want for your birthday and Christmas but these days I have no idea. Before I could make long lists of things but now I don't really know what I want. Money is always nice but at the same time you don't spend it on a present, you just spend it on groceries. One thing I always appreciate is good quality socks beca

Chapter Ten

October is my favourite month mainly because on the fourth day of October it's my birthday. I have no plans for my birthday so far which is unusual but I think because last week I was in Las Vegas which has occupied a lot of my mind that I can finally start to think about my birthday. I do really want to go see Beetlejuice Beetlejuice so I may take a solo trip to the cinema and go on a little day trip somewhere. Not sure yet though. A girl can dream. It's also a spooky month and this is the month where it definitely feels like Autumn with the leaves falling, pumpkin spice everywhere and just the start of cosy evenings. I'm so ready for Autumn. Other than my birthday, I'm not sure what else I have planned for this month. I think it's going to be a chilled month because September was a busy month and to be honest, I do like cosy months and October fits the bill for that. Let me know what your plans for October are, I'd love to hear them.  As you're reading thi

September Favourites

Here we are at the end of another month and so it's time for another monthly favourite. As you're reading this I'm currently on a plane flying back from Las Vegas which I'm going to do a whole post on in October because that was a once in a lifetime trip. It meant that I had to write this post slightly earlier than I normally would so that it goes out on time. Anyway, let's get started with my favourites of the month. McFly This month reminded me of how much I love my favourite band McFly and I also saw them live in Manchester which was honestly incredible. Twenty years I've loved them and I honestly can't believe I saw them live for the first time this month. They are such good performers and honestly, I had the best time even though it poured with rain while I was there. It was so good. I was singing along to all their songs. I even prepared a playlist before I went from a previous set list which really helped and made me discover songs I hadn't heard


Something amazing happened to me last Thursday. I got to see McFly in Manchester. Not only was it in my favourite city in the world but I have loved this band for twenty years. I remember when I was seven years old, there was this show on television where artists were competing for the top spot. Busted was on it but this band I'd never heard of called McFly who performed they're debut single, Five Colours In Her Hair. I remember falling in love with the lead singer Danny and my life had changed forever. I remember buying my first ever album which was Room On The Third Floor and listening to it. Although confession time, I only listened to the first four songs of the Album on repeat because I used to listen to the same things on repeat especially if you have a CD with only a certain number of songs. Little did I know the following year my favourite album of all time would be released which was Wonderland. This was my favourite album and I got gifted this plus the McFly Wonderlan