
Showing posts from November, 2019


I'm kind of unsure what the future holds for me. I do have a goal and I'm planning on moving out of my mum's house in 2020 but I'm not entirely sure how I'm going to do it yet. Yet I want to do it and I'm excited about what the future holds. I just recently handed my notice in my current job so I'll be working there for another five weeks and then I'll be on a break for Christmas and the new year. Now though I've handed my notice in, I feel like I can use this time to plan and prepare what I'm going to do. I'm currently working on my portfolio so I can make myself seem more employable. I recently read my horoscope in a magazine and it has inspired me. I don't usually take much notice of horoscopes but this one I was able relate to because it was to do with my 2020 forecast. It was about showcasing my true talents and following my dreams, doing what I love for a living. That just made me think of where I'm planning on moving to

Back To Blogging

So it has been a month since my last post and let's just say I didn't intend to leave it so long between posts but here we are. The reason why I haven't been blogging is that my laptop decided to break down on me and would not switch on for weeks. I thought it was broken and I wouldn't be able to use it anymore. I tried charging it. I held the power button but it would not switch on so I gave up. Then one day it just decided to switch on when I pressed the button and suddenly my laptop was alive again. So yeah I was kind of laptopless for a few weeks so I couldn't blog. I know I could try using my phone but I'm so used to typing away my blog posts that it didn't seem right. Anyway, I'm back now with this post and I do hope to create more posts for you guys this November and coming up to Christmas. I do have many ideas but I just need to create them into a post. So if you've come back to read my posts, I thank you for being patient with me. I'