June Favourites
Another month is gone. I can't believe we're about to be in the seven month of 2022. Is it me or is it going so quickly? I feel like it was yesterday that it was January and now we're about to enter July. It's crazy. June for me was pretty much a month of just working which is the standard adult life but it pays which is honestly the reason why anyone works to be honest. Even though I've been working, I've had a few things that are definitely my favourites and have helped me out throughout this month. YouTubers I've been watching a lot of True Crime videos on YouTube which is just something I've become weirdly obsessed with recently but honestly, I just find them very informative, and I feel more cautious about things. There are two YouTubers that are definitely my favourites in this particular genre, but I know there are many more amazing YouTubers to watch if you're into true crime. That Chapter This was one of the first YouTubers I watched when