Graduating Today

Hey guys! Today, this is going to be a rather short post but I thought I'd let you all know that I'm graduating today. I can't believe today is the day. I'm both nervous and excited. Nervous because I'm afraid I'll trip and fall (every graduates worst nightmare) but if you know me, I trip over nothing usually so this is a legitimate fear of mine. I'm also excited though because this is probably the biggest event of my life apart from my wedding (and who knows when that will ever happen) so yeah it's very exciting. I've watched a live stream of one of the other ceremonies for my university and it looks very formal. I can't wait for mine. It's not until 3pm today so I have all morning to get ready for it but I can't wait for it. Anyway, that's all I have to say for now. I thought I'd update you on this special occasion because I have blogged some of my uni experience so I may as well let you guys know the day I'm gradua...