Clutch Bag Essentials
My summer ball is tomorrow and I'm going to be wearing a dress as well as a clutch bag. I thought I'd share with you some of the essentials to have in your clutch bag if you're going to a prom, event or a night out. As most of you should know most clutch bags aren't the biggest so you really do need just the essentials. This is my clutch bag. It's from Matalan, I bought it in the winter so I'm not sure if it's still there. It's just a black clutch with some sparkles and it also has a silver chain so you can put it on your shoulder. That's what I always look for when I'm getting a clutch. One to put over your shoulder so you have both your hands free or for when you're dancing the night away. On the inside there is just a tiny pocket but a bit of space. The first essential is my phone. I cannot go anywhere without my phone. Having a phone also means you can take pictures without having to bring a camera. You can bring a camera