
Showing posts from June, 2024

June Favourites

The end of another month and the end of posts every day. Don't worry, I still have plenty of posts planned for the rest of the summer and as this is the 87th post of this year, we're getting closer and closer to completing my goal of 150 posts in 2024. We're still not there yet so I'm going to be posting regularly to make sure we reach that goal. As is tradition for the last post of the month, I have another favourite post of everything I've been loving in June so let's get started. Tomb Raider 2 Remastered I have completed this once already but I watched a YouTube video by AxMania, who does a lot of Tomb Raider content and completed the Tomb Raider 2 platinum trophy so I decided to give it a go as I'm always inspired to collect the Playstation trophies whenever I play video games. I had a lot of fun doing it and it really helped me get nearly all the trophies. I just have two more trophies to get and that's completing the game on New Game + mode and col

What To Do When You're Bored

Boredom can hit you out of nowhere sometimes especially during the Summer. Sometimes days feel like they're the same and you end up finding yourself being bored of doing the same thing all the time. That's why it's good to have a few ideas on what you can do when you're feeling bored, which is how I can help by sharing a list of twenty things you can do when you're feeling bored this Summer. Let's get started. 1. Start a blog 2. Play a video game 3. Have a movie marathon 4. Try scrapbooking 5. Read your TBR bookshelf 6. Have a party 7. Go to the beach 8. Go on holiday (Abroad/Staycation) 9. Go on a day trip somewhere new 10. Try a new exercise regime 11. Rearrange your bedroom 12. Write a novel/an autobiography 13. Learn to cook a new meal 14. Have a pamper session 15. Go for a walk 16. Try a new hobby 17. Message someone you haven't spoken to in a while 18. Try online dating 19. Volunteer somewhere 20. Start a podcast There we have it. Those are twenty thin

Packing Essentials

It's the Summer time which means it's time to go on a nice getaway and escape reality for a bit. One thing that always bugs me though is the packing and how to get organised when it comes to packing. I thought I'd share five essentials that I live by when it comes to packing for a holiday.  Let's get started.  Packing Cubes Packing cubes are essential for packing as they keep everything organised. Plus you know where everything is as you can put each cube into categories from tops to bottoms to underwear. You also don't realise how much you can actually fit in a cube and it leaves even more space in your suitcase. Trust me, it will change your life when you start using packing cubes and you can get them from anywhere of all different sizes. I personally get mine from Amazon and the ones I bought have lasted me years so you never need to worry about repurchasing them.  Toiletry Bag Something I learned is always have a toiletry bag stocked because you never know when

27 Things I've Learned So Far

As a twenty seven year old I feel I've learned quite a bit in my life and as it's the twenty seventh day in June I thought I'd share twenty seven things I've learned so far in life. Let's get started. 1. It's important to be yourself 2. Not everyone will like you 3. Accept it when you've been ghosted 4. It's okay to cry 5. It's not okay to bottle everything up 6. Doing things on your own is not a bad thing 7. Let go of toxic people cause they're not worth it 8. Don't rely on what ifs 9. Bullying is not okay in any form 10. You're not falling behind, everyone is on their own journey and going at their own pace 11. You're worth it and don't let anyone tell you otherwise 12. Pasta is the greatest invention 13. Social media is ruining people's social skills 14. AI scares me and I feel it will lead to robots taking over the world 15. Laughter is the best medicine 16. Reading books is a great form of escapism 17. You're beautifu

How To Have The Best Summer Ever

Summer is here and honestly it's time to start planning the best summer ever. I have a few ideas here that can really help you to get started with having the best summer ever. Feel free to use any of the suggestions or all of them because I can guarantee doing any of these things can help you to have the best summer ever.  1. Have a barbeque What is summer without a barbeque? I don't know about you but I love the smell of food cooking on a barbeque. It even tastes better. Plus you can go all out with extras or keep it simple. It's a great dinner for the family or even for a social gathering. Either way, having a barbeque is one of the best things about Summer time.  2. Go on a holiday  It's also nice to have a break from reality and go on holiday somewhere. Whether it's somewhere abroad or a staycation. Go on a holiday whether that's with your family, friends or even on your own. It's always nice to have a getaway to look forward to in the Summer season. 3.

25 Questions

I'm going to go back in time with you to my first blog post and I thought it would be fun to answer twenty five questions. As it's been ten years, I'm sure my answers have most likely changed from when I was seventeen. I thought this would be a fun little post and feel free to try it out for yourselves. Let's get started. 1. Do you have any pets? Sadly, I don't but I would love to have a dog one day or a fish.  2. Name three things that are physically close to you? My laptop which is what I'm writing this post on, my iPhone 11 and my coffee. 3. What is the weather like right now? It's very cloudy outside and I have a feeling it's going to rain. 4. Do you drive and if so have you crashed? I've passed my driving test but I have yet to get a car so no I haven't crashed. I was in a minor car crash when I was younger though. 5. What time did you wake up this morning? Half seven as I had work. 6. When was the last time you showered? This morning. 7. Wh

How Do I Release Stress?

Stress is inevitable when it comes to life. Everyone has experienced stress in their lifetime. How do we deal with that stress though? By releasing it onto something else. I have five ways that really help me to release stress and clear my head. Let's get started. Reading Books Honestly, I've read/listened to so many books this year. If you check out my Goodreads profile you will see I've read forty five books so far this year. Although, I have been cheating ever so slightly. I decided to go on a nostalgia trip and listen to some Horrid Henry audiobooks and I couldn't resist trying to listen to all of them. Luckily a lot of them are available on YouTube so I have cheated ever so slightly but an audiobook does count as reading so I guess that's something. Reading definitely releases stress for me as I like to get lost in a book. Audiobooks are my favourite because I can listen to books on the go. Plus it allows me to read more than I normally would. Books allow me to

Time Management

Time management is a crucial element when it comes to being an adult. Before you know it, time slips away and suddenly you don't have much time left to do what you're supposed to. Your time may revolve around you going to work and coming home then not doing anything that you're supposed to. Instead you procrastinate and decide I'll do it later but soon later goes. Now it's time for bed, so you tell yourself you'll do it tomorrow then the same process happens again. It's really important to manage your time wisely so that you can have a more productive day and also so your day doesn't feel the same everyday. I thought I'd share five tips on how to manage your time wisely so that you have more fulfilling days. 1. Wake up early Give yourself more time by waking up early. My morning routine is pretty much the same everyday as I know it takes me an hour to get ready for work and it gives me time to wake up at that time. I will never understand the people

Favourite Ficitional Characters

Yesterday's post got me thinking about who my favourite fictional characters are. We all have fictional characters that bring us joy or make us even more curious when we read about them or see them in action. In fact it makes us wish there were whole stories about these characters. I thought I'd share five of my favourite fictional characters. I will warn you that three of them come from a particular fandom but I have my reasons. Anyway, let's get started. Hermione Granger The cleverest witch of her age. Honestly, Hermione is the greatest character in the Harry Potter series for many different reasons. One she is muggle born so she learned everything from scratch with no magical history. She's also key to helping the golden trio in every single book. Harry and Ron would be lost without Hermione. Even in the first book and getting past all the Philosopher's Stone protections, particularly the devil snare and the potion riddle. Then of course she helped Harry and Ron

The Fake Dinner Party

If you could have a dinner party with any three people (dead/alive, real/fiction), who would they be and why? I thought I'd do a fun post today and I've always wanted to do this as I've thought about many times of if I could have anyone at a dinner party then who would it be. This is just my opinion but I would love to hear who your three people would be if you could invite anyone to a dinner party in the comments below.  Let's get started. 1. Albus Dumbledore Honestly, when I read the Harry Potter series there's always a few characters that I wish I knew a bit more about. One of those characters is Dumbledore. He is a fascinating man and I kind of wish they'd release the fictional autobiography of the Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore because I kind of want to know more about this man. I also watched a theory video of Dumbledore's plan by the Super Carlin Brothers. I'd highly recommend it because they delve into each of the seven books and go into the r

Dear Reader

Dear Reader, Why hello there? I thought I’d direct this post to you, the one who is reading this. How are you doing? I hope life is treating you well at the moment. If not then I hope things will get better for you. There’s normally a silver lining to things, you just have to look for it. I didn’t really have much planned for today's post if I’m honest but I thought that’s okay. Life has been a bit of a roller coaster for me recently and sometimes things happen. Of course I didn’t want to let my readers down and not post anything so instead I’d thought I’d write from the heart and dedicate this post to you. The reader. Whether you’re someone who’s stuck with this blog for a while or just stumbled across it. I thank you. It means a lot because every person that views my blog makes it more meaningful and maybe even puts a smile on your face. Perhaps I’ve even given you a tip you never even knew.  I make this blog to entertain but also to offer advice based on my experience. I hope yo

How Do I Show Myself Love?

Being single for so long, you don't get exposed to much love. Obviously you experience love from family and friends but it's not the same as a love of a partner, a boyfriend or a girlfriend. I've only ever experienced it once and even then I don't know if it was the real thing or not. It felt like it at the time but looking back I'm not so sure. Especially with how it ended. I do feel left behind sometimes because every now and then I'll see someone on Facebook with a new relationship update or they just got engaged or married or having a baby. Yet I'm nowhere near any of those things. Growing up it feels like the life goal was eventually to get nowhere near any of those things. Growing up it feels like the life goal was eventually to get married and have kids but if you failed at doing that then something was wrong with you. I know everything has changed since then and it's more acceptable to be single as we've learned relationships and marriages ca

Things I Wish I Knew Before Blogging

I've been blogging for ten years now and it's been going great but had I known some things early on maybe I would have grown more early on. Although, that's a part of the blogging journey. Sometimes you make mistakes or discover something new that you didn't know before. It's a learning curve but one day you'll find your groove and get to where you want to go with your blog. I thought I'd help any new bloggers out there by sharing five things I wish I knew about my blog.  1. Have an idea of what kind of posts you want to do When I first started blogging, I had no idea what kind of posts I was going to do. I just did spontaneous posts as they came and hoped for the best. One thing I would recommend is before you go live with your blog, have a few posts ready to go so that you can publish them once a week to get you started. This gives you an idea of what kind of posts you want to write but also gets you used to writing posts. Plus having a few posts ready to

Day In My Life

I thought for today's post I'd share some snippets of a day in my life and what I get up to during the day. This was a typical normal working day for me so let's get started. My day starts when I wake up at 7am and I normally get up as soon as my alarm goes off. I then go straight to the bathroom to do my business and brush my teeth. I then make coffee because coffee is always needed in the morning and I like to have it while I get ready for work.  The first thing I do is use my L'Oréal Paris Micellar Water and a reusable pad to do my skincare. I don't really do a lot of skincare but I do this so I can cleanse my face and make sure nothing is left on my face before I start doing my makeup. Makeup is an important part of my routine because I like to put makeup on because it makes me feel good. I also just do a natural look for work and I do the same look. I'll leave a link below to my makeup routine that I normally do for work at the end of this post. Finally, I

Making Little Changes

Everyone has goals in life whether it's being healthier, being richer, being more sociable or trying something new. Whatever the goals are, make sure that they're for you and nobody else. As long as they'll make you happier and be a more positive version of yourself then that's okay. Sometimes achieving our goals requires us to make a few little changes in life to get us one step closer to our goals. Here are a few little changes I've made recently and I've already started seeing the benefits of doing these little changes.  Let's get started. Journaling I always had an on and off again relationship with journaling. Sometimes I'll really commit to it then other times I'll just completely forget about it. Recently I've started to journal a lot more. Particularly in the mornings when I wake up but sometimes in the evening when I have a lot of feelings that have built up in the day and I just need to let them out. Journaling really helps me with that