Five Years

This day is kind of special for me as on this day five years ago I created my first blog post.

It doesn't feel like it has been five years and yet here we are. I started this little blog back in 2014 thinking it'll be something fun to do.

I like to think I've improved since then but I know I make the odd mistake here and there from time to time. One thing I didn't think would ever happen is my blog would be viewed over 24,000 times. That's a lot of people.

I also find it interesting when I look at my audience stats and see that people are viewing my blog not just from the UK but from the USA, Russia, Germany, France, Ukraine and so many more places. That is a little crazy to me that people from all over the world are taking a moment to view my blog.

It means a lot to me because I do love to blog and a part of me wishes this was a full time job but unfortunately it's not. However, I do try my best to post regularly but if you've been reading my blog a while have known me to take a few breaks here and there. Mostly because life has gotten in the way or the inevitable blogger's block has returned. Which happens. I never have claimed to be the perfect blogger but I do try my best to keep this blog regularly updated as I don't want this blog to die. I want it to keep going for as long as I can. Who knows maybe I'll be blogging in another five years time and you never know what my life will be like then?

Anyway, I just want to take this moment to thank you if you've ever taken the time to read my blog post. It means a lot knowing someone's read a post I've written and maybe even taken something away from it. I'm grateful to you all and no matter how many page views I get. I'm not going to stop blogger because I love writing away all my thoughts and feelings on my little space of the internet. I feel like someone somewhere out there must relate to something I've said and that's all that matters to me.

So thanks again for reading this post and sticking with me for five years. Here's to another five years of blogging.

I'll be back again soon with another post for you guys.

See you then.

Megan x 

 *This is not a sponsored post*

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