After Uni Plan

It's officially been two months since I finished university and let's just say that life after university is not all it's cracked up to be. Most people when they finish uni believe they'll get the graduate job of their dreams and they'll be living in their own place with no worries in the world.

Yeah... That's not exactly the case.

I moved back home which I don't mind about because it's just me and my mum living at home. Plus, it reassures me that I have a roof over my head and I'm happy because I'm with my family. It's normal that once you finish university, most students move back home. You should remind yourself that it's not forever. Whether it takes you a year or two to move out, it won't be forever.

That's why I made an after university plan which will hopefully help any recent graduates with what to do with their life.

1. Get a part time job - Now this is important because you don't want to be spending your days doing nothing. There's only so much Netflix and YouTube videos a person can watch. Luckily for me I have two job interviews in a couple of days so fingers crossed I get a job. It also means I'll be earning money which I can save towards moving out. Just having a job to do and getting out of the house will also help you with your mental health because it kind of gives you a purpose in life and knowing you're not just wasting your life.

2. Learn to drive (if you haven't already) - Now I know driving lessons can be expensive but being able to drive gives you so much independence because you could literally go anywhere you want. I haven't got my driven licence but I'm planning on taking some lessons soon because I hope to be able to drive by the end of 2018. Fingers crossed.

3. Have a hobby - It's important to have something to focus on so that you won't get bored. Having things to do in your spare time (trust me you're going to have a lot of spare time) will keep you occupied and won't get you as bored. My hobbies include reading books, playing video games, watching movies, blogging, colouring in and writing. Just having things to do will keep your mind at ease and you won't get bored.

4. Research graduate jobs - Start researching graduate jobs that you want to do. Look at job descriptions. What do you need to fill their requirements? Figure out exactly what you want to do for your future career. Having a goal of what you want to do will make it easier for you to get there. You'll know the job you want to do and you'll know what you need to do to be able to get the job. It'll make it easier when people ask you what kind of job do you want to do with your degree. Having a job in mind will help you get there because you'll know exactly what you want to do.

5. Consider a master's degree- If you're really struggling with life after uni. Why not consider the possibility of going back to university? Maybe go to a different university. Just know that a master's  degree will always be there so you can go back to it at any time. Maybe consider it a last option unless you feel you really want to do a master's degree. Boost up your qualification.

6. Treat life after uni as a gap year - Maybe you went straight from school to university like I did so you never had the gap year experience. Well the year after university is the perfect time to take a gap year. Go travelling and see the world. Learn about different cultures or even work abroad. The possibilities are endless. Just make plans and fulfil those plans. Even if you can't afford to go abroad, consider road tripping around the country. Maybe there's a part of the country you've always wanted to go to but never had the chance. Just make some memories because soon you'll be in a job where you're working nine to five so just make the most of being young. Just think about how many cities and places you can tick off your life if you go travelling.

So yeah, there's some ideas for an after uni plan for you to consider. I'm going say it's a very scary part of your life because it's literally the unknown of what you're going to do next. Just having options is enough though to get you through to where you really want to be. Just have fun while you can because nothing will last forever. Make the most of new experiences.

Thanks for reading my blog post. I'll be back again with another blog post soon.

See you then.

Megan x


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