I Don't Know

Do you ever just have days where you have no idea what you're doing with your life? Because same.

It's like when you were kid and everyone used to ask you what you want to be when you grow up and it was so easy to give an answer because when you're young it seems easier to get to the person you want to be. However, as you get older the question of what you want to do when you grow up becomes harder and harder to answer because it suddenly seems impossible to do what you want to do. Reality basically kicks in and you realise you may need loads of qualifications or even experience in the field before you can do what you want to do. It's not exactly easy.

I'm kind of in that situation now. I've done my GCSEs and A Levels. I've also been to university and got my degree. Now three months after finishing university. I have no idea what to do with my life or even how I'm going to get there. I'm trying to make these plans for next year but it seems difficult. My plans involve moving to a city and getting a job involving my degree. However, I know I don't have much experience in the job I want to do apart from my degree. I also don't have many opportunities where I currently live to get those experiences. I'm also financially unstable at the moment to be able to even move. So yeah, I'm kind of stumped. I have no idea what to do with my life. I know eventually I'll get to where I want to be because these things take time and hard work but right now when you're literally clueless of how to get there it's hard.

Right now, I'm just going to focus on the present. I currently have a job which means I'm able to earn money and I live with my mum so at least I have a roof over my head. Yet I know it's not going to last forever but for now though I just have to keep doing my job and researching my options. That's all I can do right now.

I hope what I said makes sense to some of you. This is probably the same thoughts and feelings of every graduate and well everyone in some way or another. Do any of us really know what we're doing with our lives? I don't know.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this post. Let me know if you also don't know what you're doing with your life or if you have any advice for the moments when you feel like this. I'll definitely make a post if I figure this out for you guys. I'll be back again soon though with another post.

See you then.

Megan x


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