Beach Day

Yesterday me and mum decided to spontaneously go to the beach. We were out doing our grocery shop in Tesco and decided to have a picnic on the beach. I bought us some new beach towels and we bought things to make sandwiches and have little nibbles. I also decided to buy a bucket and spade because its been years since I made sand castles at the beach and I just thought why not.

So yeah we packed up a picnic basket and our towels, got dressed in our shorts and tops. Then headed for the beach. I decided to take my camera and take pictures of my trip so here's a few pictures of my beach day.

It was a beautiful day yesterday to go on the beach.

Who knew so much joy a bucket and spade could bring.

Also the perfect time to collect some pretty sea shells.

Going to the beach is the perfect time for some reading. I'm currently reading Bridget Jones Diary.

It amazes me that jellyfish can look so pretty but can be so deadly with their sting.

Had to the standard feet in the water shot. It's not perfect but it is my feet.

It was nice feeling to stand in the water and take pictures but I was also holding my camera for dear life as the last thing I wanted to do was drop it in the sea.

This was the first sand castle I made. I had to pour water on the dry sand as I discovered dry sand doesn't hold well when making sandcastles so yeah this was a first attempt at a sand castle.

This was my second attempt at a sand castle because I actually made the effort to go to the wet sand and build a sand castle. I didn't care who watched me. I was very happy getting on my knees in the wet sand and build a sand castle. Who knew that one could have so much fun just with a bucket and spade. It reminded me of my childhood and the fact we didn't need technology to have fun. It was some good times.

So yeah, I hoped you enjoy this post and it inspired you to go out and enjoy the sun while it's here.

I'll be back again soon with another post.

See you then.

Megan x 

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