Things Are Looking Up

Do you ever feel like things couldn't be worse and then all of a sudden, a switch flips which makes everything great again? 

That's what has happened to me. 

After numerous of job rejections and failed interviews, finally I had an interview where right at the end, I was offered the job. Honestly, that was the best feeling I've had in a long time and couldn't quite believe it when it happened. Yet here I am, no longer unemployed and working at a job that I'm very excited about. Sometimes life does surprise you and when you think nothing good ever happens to you then suddenly something will. I always believe that everything happens for a reason and that's the same in this case. I hoped that one day a job will hire me, and it will be one I'm very excited for. No longer will I be scrolling through the job websites, going through countless applications. Finally I'll be working. 

However, you would think that's all the good news I have. Nope. Recently after much thought I decided to try online dating again. I kind of missed the messaging and wondering if I'll ever find Mr Right so I jumped into the deep end and gave it a go. To my surprise, it wasn't as bad as I thought. I met a few guys that seem on there that seem very nice, I'm unsure if it will lead anywhere and I've made it clear that I'm not looking to be just a bit of fun so I'm hoping that they'll respect that. Of course some don't but it happens. It's made me feel good though because it is a little ego boost when people say you're beautiful and pretty, not that I believe them when they do say that, but it is a nice feeling. I'm not sure what will happen though, hopefully something good. My guard is up though because I do not want to get hurt again. Who knows what will happen? I'm sure if Mr Right comes along, I may post about it or I may not because obviously some things need to be kept private. Afterall I don't show much of myself on here except through words and the few selfies I've put on my blog so why should I show off Mr Right. Nah I may keep him to myself and share my excitement through words. Of course that is if I meet Mr Right. You never know soon I may just be done with online dating and wish I never went back to it. The beauty of life is you can't really know the future so who knows what will happen. Either way I'll be sure to let you know. 

Anyway, that's all I have to really say about my life for now. As you can tell things are looking up for me and I hope they are looking up for you too my fellow read. Let me know if anything good has happened to you recently. I would love to hear all about it. 

Thank you for reading my post and I hope you have a lovely day. I'll be back again soon with another post for you. 

See you then. 

Megan x 

*This is not a sponsored post* 

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