Things to do if you're bored

Hey guys!

Summer is finally here and I bet some of you are bored and have no idea what to do. Well I thought I would give you some ideas of what you can do if you're bored this Summer or any time really.

  1. Clean or organize your room - Take a look around your room and see if it's messy. If you're like me there may be some clothes on the floor, your desk is untidy and your make up is everywhere. Just have a day spent dedicating to cleaning your room. It takes time you know and it gets you motivated to be productive. You might also be in the mood to rearrange your room. You have no idea how many times I was in the mood to move my furniture around. You can always move it back if you don't like it and get some help with the heavy stuff. You don't want a wardrobe falling on top of you. 
  2. Read or reread a book series - Most people are all about phones and technology but there's nothing like reading a good book. I'm not even talking about a kindle or audio books. I mean an actual book. I'm currently rereading the Harry Potter series and I love it. I forgot how amazing they were and once I start reading a page I struggle to stop. Plus you don't have to read in the house. Go into your garden and sit on the grass and read. You can read while your sunbathing on the beach. Simple.
  3. Go out somewhere - I bet some of you would just love to sit on your bed all summer and just watch YouTube videos/Netflix and go on social media. Honestly, that's gonna make you bored because you may be rewatching videos you've already seen and it can get boring. So just go out somewhere. You don't even need to spend money. Go to the beach. Go to the park. Go for a walk in the woods or just go for a walk around your hometown. 
  4. Try exercising and getting fit - You don't need to bur any exercising equipment or fancy an exercise DVD. You can do it in your own bedroom. There's loads of exercise routines on YouTube. I recommend Lucy Wyndham-Read (LWR Fitness). She does great work outs and has great fitness tips and you can do them from your own home.
  5. Start a blog or a YouTube channel - Nowadays loads of people are posting on the internet so why not just write a blog and write about things you like. You can even make a YouTube channel if you're confident enough. Maybe even start vlogging. You never know you might like it and it could be fun.
There's always stuff like watching films or tv series on Netflix for hours on end as well as playing board games with your family. Maybe even try doing a jigsaw puzzle. Sometimes that can be fun and it's very time consuming.

Anyway, that's about it from me. I'll be back soon with another post. Bye guys. I love you all. 


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