More Dating Pet Peeves

Here we are again with a second part of dating pet peeves. I didn't think it could be any worse than the first part but oh boy. Do I have some more pet peeves when it comes to online dating? 

1. They say they want something long term but make zero effort to make it happen
Here's the thing. If you're going into online dating not hoping to find your significant other then why are you online dating? Seriously, why. Just to have a bit of fun and mess around with someone's feelings. That's something that really grinds my gears about online dating but even more so is when they say they're hoping for something long term and in the beginning they give you hope. You're messaging and talking everyday. Arranging to meet for dates. Yet after a while the effort slowly slips and you find yourself putting more effort then they are. Whether it's you travelling to them but never the other way around. You suggest hanging out and meeting up. Suddenly you start to notice that they're putting very little effort into actually making this potentially work long term. Now I get that sometimes you lose feelings for someone and that's okay but at least be honest about it so that the other person can actually move on instead of pining for someone that is literally making no effort to be a decent human being. It takes two to tango and if you're putting in more effort to make it long term then they are, well that shows that it's a one sided relationship and you should get out of it. 

2. They don't like intimacy like kissing and cuddling but are all for the bedroom fun
This is actually very common with previous guys and it really annoys me. I've been told he doesn't like to kiss or cuddle, yet he's all for the most intimate thing in a relationship which is really confusing. It's like you can't get much closer than doing the deed but kissing and cuddling is too much? It makes you question everything and whether they're just using you for the deed and nothing more. The most likely answer is yes, they're using you because they do not want to kiss and cuddle but bedroom fun is okay is a massive red flag in my books and you may need to reconsider whether you should continue seeing this person. 

3. They'd rather play on their phone than talk to you
This is a very recent red flag I experienced and it bugged me so much especially because it was after the first night staying over. You don't know the level of disrespect until you spend a whole morning just laying in bed next to someone you're supposedly dating who would rather play a game on their phone than talk to you. Even more so they don't even suggest putting on the television to keep you occupied or just anything. They let you just entertain yourself. I mean fair enough, I'm someone that could literally spend an hour watching TikTok videos but that's when I'm by myself. If I'm with someone, my focus is on them. Granted I should have just said something but I didn't want to seem like I was being needy. That just goes to show though that they're clearly not interested in you to even talk to you or suggest watching a movie. I don't care if he's playing on his phone while we're watching a movie but the fact that wasn't even a suggestion bugged me. Hence why I have to mention it because to me it's a massive pet peeve not just with dating but in any social situation. If you're hanging out with someone, get off your phone. 

4. Can't wait for you to just leave 
Again, another thing that happened is that feeling that they are literally just waiting for you to leave. Almost like you've fulfilled their boredom and now they want you gone. Not even a suggestion of going out somewhere together or getting food. I've noticed if they're not willing to get food with you, it's almost like they would rather spend as little time as possible with you by not eating with you. They also ask about the time you're going home. For example, if you caught a train to see them then they ask you when the next train is and that you should aim to get that. I don't know about you but in my opinion when you make the effort to visit someone you're dating, you shouldn't make the effort to spend actual time with them and if they're keen for you to leave after doing the deed then you should seriously think about your relationship with them. 

5. Leave you on read
This is a big one that honestly frustrates me. As someone who barely gets any notifications, it's kind of nice when I'm 'dating' someone to have that person to message. Makes me feel less alone. Therefore I notice when I get left on read, more often because it's very obvious. Of course it could be they are just busy but something I did was check their snap score and made a note of it. I know I sound like a crazy person but it's interesting to know as you'll be able to tell if you're being ignored. Now a snap score can mean a number of things whether it's the amount of snaps being viewed, taken or stories watched. Either way the score has increased significantly then clearly they're being very active there and are just ignoring you. Now, don't jump to any conclusions because sometimes conversations do end and don't have to go on forever. However, it's when they never make an attempt to get in touch with you. Even to check if you're okay. I read somewhere that if a person is interested in you then you will know it. If they're not, the lack of communication from their part may be a sign that they're just using you and honestly you can do so much better. 

There we have it. Those are more of my dating pet peeves. I'll leave a link to the first post of my dating pet peeves at the bottom of this post so be sure to check it out if you haven't seen it. Let me know what your dating pet peeves are in the comments below. I'd love to hear them. 

Thank you for reading my blog and I'll be back again soon with another post. 

See you then. 

Megan x 

Blog Post - Dating Pet Peeves

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