Dissertation Tips

I know I said in my last post that I'd make a post after my lecture at two but you know I had some thoughts and feelings as well as talks with my friends about this year. Mostly about this looming dissertation which I was freaking out about. However, I've figured out a way to make it less stressful and easier than what I was originally anticipating. I thought I'd share the advice I've learned with you guys to help you as well as a reminder to myself on how to get through the dreaded dissertation.

1. Break It Down
I know a dissertation has a lot of words. In my uni, the minimum word count is 8,000 words and the maximum word count is 10,000. That is a lot of words to write and it just seems like so much. However, if you break the word count down month by month, section by section then you'll realise that it might be easier than you originally thought. For example I set a goal to get 4,500 words done by Christmas. How I broke that down is by splitting the word count for the three months. That'll be 1500 words each month. However if you split it down again for the 4 weeks and then again by the days you plan to work on it. For me I have planned to work on my dissertation three days a week. I have planned to write 375 words a week which if you split that into three days is 125 words per day. That's a pretty reasonable target if you think about it. Plus you can have days where you can write more than that so you'll be closer and closer to completing the word count. If you just break the word count up a bit it doesn't seem so bad.

2. Choose a topic you'll enjoy writing about
You're going to be spending a lot of time writing about this particular topic so you may as well make it about something you enjoy. Although once you're finished with your dissertation you may hate the topic at the end. However, just try to find a topic which you are interested in. I know you can make a dissertation about anything but honestly make it a bit relevant to your course because it'll look good knowing you're doing your dissertation which is something relevant to your course.

3. Make a schedule
Like I said earlier about breaking it down. Set yourself some goals to achieve. Like I've put into writing 1500 words per month and 375 words a week. I know it may seem like a lot but it's really not and you may as well do it. The deadline may be in 6 months time but it'll go by in a flash and suddenly the deadline is a week away. Just work at it and soon that word count will be going up. It's better to be one step ahead and prepared because things can happen so just get a head start. Also don't forget you have other assignments so try to fit them into your schedule.

4. Plan
Make yourself a little plan before your first meeting with your dissertation supervisor and have a plan. Maybe give them a list of topics you're thinking of doing and have a list of all the things you can research and develop. If you go to that first meeting with ideas then your supervisor can help you decide what topic to do and what direction to go in then you're already one step ahead because you can already start working on it and doing some research.

5. Make as much use of your supervisor as you can
Your supervisor is there to help you and they will offer you some guidance as well as look at your work. If you keep showing your supervisor that you are making progress every week then that shows them that you care about this dissertation and want to get a good grade at the end of it. Another thing is to talk to other people. Talk to your friends, family. Don't struggle alone. I know there's probably going to be a moment in this process where you'll have a mental breakdown but just remember you are not alone. There are plenty of other students who are in the same boat as you doing dissertations but also your friends and family will support you too. They don't want to see you stressed out and miserable. They will help you if you ask. Don't go at this alone because you won't get very far.

6. Hit the books
Not literally but seriously you need to get some books out on how to actually do a dissertation. These books can help you with the layout as well as some research methods which could be useful to you. Also get some books about the topic you're doing because you're going to need to know some background information plus it'll be useful to you. I know these days everything is easily accessible online but you're going to need a variety of sources so if I was you. I'd go to the library.

7. Reward yourself
It's all very well to lock yourself in your bedroom and work flatout on this dissertation but seriously it won't get it done any faster. Take breaks. Work for two hours then take a ten to fifteen minute break. Give yourself a reward like if I get 200 words written today I can go hang out with my friends or go shopping or watch an episode of the TV show I'm watching. Just give yourself little rewards as it's some motivation for you to work on your dissertation. Just do it.

Anyway, that's all the tips I have for a dissertation. Good luck to anyone who does have a dissertation this year. We can get through this together. However, these tips can be applied to other assignments so I hope they were helpful to you reading this.

I'll be back again on Wednesday with a very exciting post as it's my 21st birthday and I've prepared a little post to publish on that day so stay tuned for that.

All I have to say now though is see you soon.

Megan x


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