Question Time

For today's post I felt like answering a few questions. I'll leave a link below to where I got the questions from.

I just felt like doing a little Q&A but I don't exactly have a big following to probably get any questions. I thought it would be just fun to answer some questions and for you guys to get to know me a little bit more.

Let's get started:

1. On a scale of 1-10, how strict were your parents? 

I'd say around 5 because they weren't overly strict growing up. They kind of set the boundaries as most parents do. The only thing that got on my mums nerves was I was a bit of a messy child and would struggle to clean my room when I was a kid. She'd always tell me when you're finished playing with something then put it back but I kind of played with one thing then play with another without tidying up. That's how my room would turn into a mess. I've improved a lot since them and am a lot tidier but yeah my parents weren't overly strict. Just nag a lot sometimes for me to do things like tidy my room.

2. Who was your worst teacher? Why?

Oh boy, I did have this one teacher who was a bit creepy. I always felt awkward in his classes. That's all I'm going to say on the subject.

3. Who was your favourite teacher? Why?

My favourite teacher was actually my Year 4 teacher in primary school. She was the nicest teacher ever and primary school was such a happy time for me. I was about 9 years old then. It was a pretty chilled out time of my life. No stresses or anything. I actually still have the class photo and it's kind of nice to look back on. This was before I moved so it was some happy times.

4. What was your favourite toy growing up?

I had two and it was my two teddy bears. They were called Eddie and Spongy. Spongy actually belong to my dad when he was younger and he passed it down to me. Eddie I had when I was a baby from my grandad I think. I loved these two teddies because my dad would always make voices for them. Eddie kind of had a moody face so my dad would make an angry voice for him and Spongy was little so he would give him a soft voice. I used to love hearing my dad make them talk. I was an easily entertained child growing up.

5. If you could time travel, when would you go? 

I struggle with this because I've already lived the past and I would be too scared to see what my future would hold. I think I would love to time travel to a time I hadn't lived in. I would actually probably go to the Year 3000 just to see if anything from the Busted song was true and just see what the world will be like then.

6. What's your best childhood memory? 

My best childhood memory would be all the times me and brother actually got along when we were kids. On family holidays. Playing the PlayStation together. Acting out things and just goofing around. I have a lot of memories with my brother and they were some happy times. Of course we did have arguments and fights but we did have a lot of good times too. Now me and my brother get along so well even though we live far apart now. Every time we see each other, it's always nice. I love my big brother.

7. What's your pet peeve? 

I did talk about this in a previous post but my biggest pet peeve is people who don't flush. Why don't you flush the toilet? It's not rocket science.

8. What personality trait has gotten you in the most trouble? 

Either my sarcasm or the fact that I can laugh at pretty much anything and sometimes laugh at the wrong times. I don't know why. I just laugh when I feel awkward and uncomfortable.

9. What is the best piece of advice you've received? 

It'll have to be don't judge a book by it's cover because it honestly is so true. Yeah the book may look pretty or ugly but you don't know the full story. Same goes with anyone you meet. You don't know their story and what they've been through so don't judge them until you get to know them.

10. If you had to pick a new name for yourself, what name would you pick? 

I would pick the name Mali. I once read it in a story once and I absolutely love the name. I would always want a name with the letter M because I have grown attached to that letter. However, I am happy with my name because it's been my name since the day I was born.

Anyway, that's all the questions I'm going to answer for now. I hope you enjoyed getting to know me a little bit more. Let me know if you have any questions for me in the comments below.

I'll be back again tomorrow with another post.

See you then.

Megan x 

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Link to the questions answered - Fun Questions to ask


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