My Blogging Advice

As I've been blogging for nearly five years now, I thought I may as well give some advice to any new bloggers out there or any bloggers that want some advice. I'm just going to point out that I'm no expert in blogger or a professional. I just blog for fun but you can either take on board some of these tips or not. I would also love to hear if you have any advice about blogging. Let's help out all the bloggers out there.

Anyway here's some of my blogging advice.

1. The First Post
Some people say the first post is either the making or breaking of you. (Actually I've never heard anyone say that.) They do say though that first impressions matter. The beauty about a blog is anyone can stumble across it at any time. Not just on the first time you post. My first post was just a little introduction about me and then I just did a tag of 25 questions about me. It wasn't the best post I've ever written. The post actually has fifteen page views and it's been nearly five years since I made it. Do I care that it doesn't have a load of page views? No because I've made over 300 posts since then. Some of which have been read by over 70 people and some only have about 20 page views. I don't mind because like I said I'm not a professional blogger. I just blog for fun. When you first start blogging it may take some time to get used to it. Like it wasn't until like a couple of years ago I learned I should put a title image on the top every post to make it easier for people to see what the post is about and it looks more interesting. You'll learn the more you blog so don't stress too much about your first post. It may not do well but don't let that beat you up. If you're happy with the post then that's all that matters.

2. Be Consistent 

If you're consistent with your blog then people will read it more because they can expect a something new from you on a regular basis. If you're not consistent with your posts and only blog once in a blue moon then you might not get many readers. Try posting on a weekly basis or when you're first starting out then spend the day coming up with at least five blog posts ready to go so you have a few blog posts to prepare for a couple of weeks. Hopefully after that you'll come up with even more. Just try and regularly post because by posting regularly, you'll get into blogging and you'll also get more readers.

3. Plan

It's good to plan your blog posts. Write them down in a notebook. If you're doing a post where you're given out tips then write all your tips out first then do the explaining afterwards so you have an idea about what your tips will be. I have a notebook dedicated to just my blog where I write down all my ideas for posts. I have a list full of ideas and also have written down some of my posts in this notebook. It's really helpful on days where I have no idea what to blog about. I just flick through my notebook of ideas and I soon get inspired. Also if you're struggling for ideas then look online for blog ideas. Whether it's from pinterest or even other blogs. Get inspired by what other people and written but put your own twist on it. The number one rule is to be original but you can take ideas from other bloggers but just make it your own.

4. Enjoy it

If you're blogging in the hopes that you become rich and famous then your blog will probably crash and burn. The thing about blogging is you have to enjoy doing it. You can't just blog for the sake of it. If you enjoy blogging and have passion in your blog then it doesn't matter how many page views your posts gets or the fact you don't make any money from your blog. You're just having fun. Sure getting a good amount of views feels nice. I'm happy if I have 10 page views because that to me means that 10 people took time out of their day to read my blog. Also I hardly ever get any comments on my blog but that doesn't bring me down because I myself never comment on anything like YouTube videos or other blogs. I'm just blogging for the fun of it. I enjoy typing away and letting my thoughts and feelings come out into a blog post. I get a satisfaction when I've worked on a post and I can finally it the publish button. It feels good. So yeah, make sure you enjoy blogging and have a passion for it. You'll go far if you do.

5. Be Original

It's all good and well posting similar blog posts like what's in my bag or routine posts but sometimes the best blog posts is the ones that are original and mainly about your life plus the things you've learned.

Here's my popular posts

As you can see they're all pretty random and not what you would expect. Also I still have no idea how my Dissertation Tips got that many page views but it did. The thing about these posts is they all have a little personality to them because they are about me and given my own personal view on them. It just goes to show that sometimes the popular posts aren't the ones that you see most bloggers and YouTubers doing. They're the ones which involve you and bringing out your own originality to them.

6. It'll take some time

You may start blogging and get around five page views every time you post. It happens because there's hundreds and hundreds of blogs out there. You may feel defeated that not many are reading your blog but the important thing is to not give up. It will take some time before you get over 10 page views but that doesn't matter. Treat your blog like your online journal for the first few months. Talk about your life and what's been going on. If you're going somewhere exciting then blog about it. Just keep blogging and soon more people will start reading your blog. Share your blog to social media. Every time I post I share my post to Twitter with a load of relatable hashtags and that works. Plus I pinterest my posts too and it gets me to over 20 page views within the first day of it being up which is an achievement. Just remember that it will take time. You won't be a blogging sensation overnight. Just keep blogging and maybe one day you'll have a load of page views and it'll feel good.

Anyway, that's all my advice about blogging. I hope you enjoyed this post and it helped you out a little. Let me know if you have any advice about blogging that I haven't mentioned. I would love to hear it.

I'll be back again tomorrow with another post.

See you then.

Megan x 

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