Bad Day Plan

Everyone has had a bad day.

They can be a regular occurrence or once a month.

However often you have a bad day, I'm here to help. I've got a few tips to help you so when you do have a bad day then you'll have a plan on what to do.

1. Listen to some music

I don't know what it is but there's a song for every mood. Sometimes the lyrics can relate so much to you and it feels like the song was written for you. I don't about you but listening to music always makes me feel better. Whether it's listening to some absolute banging tunes where I feel like dancing to my hearts content or it's a playlist of songs from musicals. It always makes me happy. If you're having a bad day just sit and listen to your favourite songs. Hopefully that will improve your mood a little.

2. Go for a walk

When you have a bad day then all you want to do is curl up in a ball in bed all day. However, the best thing to do when you're feeling low is to get out of the house. Get some fresh air and just walk. Where it's down the road, on the beach, in the woods. Walking somewhere will help because it allows you to get distracted by other things like what's going on around you and you kind of just think about other things. Even if you walk to the shops. Think about what you want to get. Whether it is a big tub of ice cream or some chocolate. It'll keep your mind occupied and you'll feel better knowing you have gotten out of the house.

3. Go Offline

Sometimes being online can be the cause of a bad day. You could be feeling left out because everyone else is having a good time and you're stuck at home or in work. Someone could be making you sad. The best thing to do is to just get offline and I mean switch your phone off and switch your laptop off. Forget the online world and just focus on you. You're mental health is more important than what's happening on social media.

4. Watch a movie or a TV series

If you have time during the day then watch your favourite movies or a TV series you enjoy. Make it into a little movie day with snacks and comfy clothes. Being distracted by watching a movie or a TV series can make you forget why you're feeling down. Especially if it's a feel good movie that just always puts a smile on your face no matter how you're feeling. It's okay to have a lazy day just watching movies and TV shows all day.

5. Journal about it

Writing down all your thoughts and feelings into a journal can be a big help. It kind of feels like you're just letting all the negative energy out onto the paper and are left with only the positive. Just write about what's on your mind and what's bothering you in that moment. Only you can read your journal so be as honest as you like. The other day I had a bad day so I wrote in my journal all about it. When I did so, it felt like a weight and been lifted from my shoulders and everything was going to be okay.

6. Tomorrow is a new chapter

If you're having bad day then it can feel like things won't get better. However, tomorrow is like a new chapter in a story. The start of new day. You can write off today's bad day like it never happened and walk into tomorrow with your head held high. Write down of all the things you want to accomplish tomorrow that will make you happy. Treat yourself to some fancy breakfast. Go out for coffee instead of making it yourself. Take care of your skin. Sometimes it's the little things that can make you happy. Even if you have to go to work then make the most of the time before and after work to have an amazing time. You are in charge of your own happiness so find the positive in life and focus on them. You can do it.

Anyway, that's my bad day plan. I hope it was helpful to any of you and if you are having a bad day, I hope you feel better soon.

I'll be back again tomorrow with another post.

See you then.

Megan x 

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