My Top Ten Favourite Books

As most of you who read my blog know I write a lot of posts about books. The reviews and hauls and just my excitement over a book. It suddenly then came to me that I've never written a post about my favourite books. I thought I'd make it easier and write about my current top ten favourite books. I love reading and every book I've read has not been a disappointment yet. This is just my favourites at the moment. I still have plenty more books to read and on my reading list. This is just how I'm feeling at the moment for the top ten books I cannot live without. I'm also including series in this list as you can't have a book from one series and not include the rest of the series. Anyway I've rambled on too much here so let's just get on with the list.

10. McFly: Our Story
Okay, I had to put this in my top ten as I've loved McFly ever since I was younger. Reading this book just made me open my eyes a bit more and realise that you have no idea what your favourite has been through or is going through. It just changed my perception and made me like them even more. I also felt like I got to know them more and discovered things which I could relate to. It's a real eye opener and if you love McFly then you are going to love this book.

9. All I Know by Carrie Hope Fletcher

Now let me just tell you this book is at number nine because again it opened my eyes. It's not a story or an autobiography although it does encounter parts of Carrie's life. It's more like a self help book. It would have been useful to have when I was a teenager in school as it's mostly about growing up. However, there are things in it which can be related to adult life as well. If you're looking for a self help book or just need some reassurance in your life then have a read of this book. It will honestly help.

8. The Amazing Book Is Not On Fire By Dan Howell and Phil Lester

Okay this is the last non fiction book in the series but honestly this has to be one of my top ten. I love Dan and Phil. They were one of the first YouTubers I watched and I love all there videos. I knew I had to get this book when it came out and I'm so happy I did. This book is quite different to normal autobiographies but it is such a good read. I even bought their audiobook and listening to their voices while reading the book at the same time is amazing. I just love to read it and listen to it when I'm feeling down and need cheering up. This book definitely helps.

7. The Fault In Our Stars by John Green

I had to include this in my top ten as this book was the first book to actually make me cry. When I finished it, I literally just burst into tears. I was just so emotional until this book. I've never felt so much emotion from any book (until recently) ever. This book just made me both laugh and cry. I'll definitely be reading it again. It's truly wonderful.

6. Harry Potter series by JK Rowling

Now this series definitely has to be part of my top ten as it's one of the very few series which I have reread the books countless times. I just get into a mood where I just decide I'm going to read Harry Potter then I start reading them and I can't stop until I've finished them. It's truly a wonderful series and honestly I prefer reading the books than watching the films because the books just have so much detail and so many wonderful parts which the films cut out. I really do love going back to reread the series.

5. Girl Online Series by Zoe Sugg

These two books just put a smile to my face when I read them. I know it's the cliche cheesy romance story but it's still different. I loved reading the books as they kind of inspired me to blog more. I find it to be a wonderful read. I love this series and written posts about both of them. They both took me a day to read as I just couldn't put them down. I love these two books and I'm looking forward to the third book coming out in November.

4. Shopaholic Series by Sophie Kinsella

This series has reached my top four as I cannot put these books down and I've been loving the series so far. Each book is just so unique and just keeps me questioning what's going to happen next. Half the time I am never right. As soon as I start reading a book I just couldn't put it down and when I finished a book I just had to get on to the next one. This series is just like a romantic comedy but book style. It's just such a funny and feel good book. You just can't help think. "Oh Becky" or "How is Becky going to get out of this one now?" Trust me if you've read this series then you'll understand what I mean. I've just finished Shopaholic and Baby so now I'm just waiting for Mini Shopaholic now. I can't wait to read the rest of the series.

Now we come to the hardest decision I've ever had to make. My top three favourite books. All these decisions were hard but this had to be the hardest as I had my top three books but I didn't know which one was my favourite out of all them because I loved every single one of them. These books I'm about to share with you are literally the books I cannot live without. Okay here we go.

3. Me Before You & After You by JoJo Moyes

You know I mentioned before about The Fault In Our Stars being the first book to make me cry. Well, Me Before You hit me harder emotionally. It is such an emotional rollercoaster where you think you know how it ends then just shocks you unexpectedly. If you haven't read this book then you need to read it. I'm so glad I read it before I went to see the film because it prepared me but still watching the film was just how I imagined the book. I included After You because it is a wonderful sequel to Me Before You and honestly I didn't know how it was going to turn out after the events of the first book but I was just so moved. Even after the first chapter I was just shocked and thought what's going to happen next. That's why these two books are my top three.

2. On The Other Side by Carrie Hope Fletcher

As you know I recently read this book and I'm completely and totally in love with it. It is a completely different love story than your normal sort. It's full of love, heartbreak and just surprise. It's full of surprises and all these surprises turn out to be good. This is Carrie's first fiction novel and it is just perfect. The caption on the front cover which says 'A love story like no other' which is so true. I've never read a love story like this and it just had me wondering how is this going to end. Honestly it will have you guessing throughout this book. Definitely go and read this as you will fall in love with it.

1. Can You Keep A Secret? by Sophie Kinsella

Now, this was a really hard decision as all these books I've mentioned are my favourites and could all be my number one favourite. When choosing my favourites I remember this book and how much it made me smile. I took my time reading this book and I'm so glad I did as I enjoyed it more. It is such a good story and it is just perfect. It makes you think that everybody has secrets and if you share those secrets with a complete stranger then that may come back to surprise you unexpectedly. This book just put a smile to my face and made laugh. I just didn't know how it was going to end as like with most books I read it was full of surprises. I have to say I could read this book over and over again. It is just the perfect romantic comedy novel to read and that is why it is my number one favourite book.

Well, that was a tough decision but I'm so glad I made it and wrote out all my thoughts and feelings about my favourite books.

I do apologise for the lack of posts these past couple of days. I've just been busy and had no time to write these posts. I'll continue to post every day or every other day as that may be more easier for me as writing a post everyday can be a struggle I've learned.

Anyway, I'll be back again soon with another post. See you then guys.

Megan x


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