Start Of Something New

Happy New Year!

It's the start of something new!

I can't quite believe that 2017 is over and it is now 2018. That's just crazy. For me 2018 is kind of a big year and I'm hoping it's going to be my year. I'm finishing my final year of university this year and hopefully graduating. I'm also going to be practising driving in the summer and hopefully passing my test. I'm also offically going to be an adult and no longer a student. Sad times.

Anyway, I thought I'd share with you all some of my goals that I have for 2018.

Here we go:

1. Complete university and get my degree

Now this is an achievable goal because I will be completing university this year and hopefully getting my degree at the end of it. I just thought I'd start this list of goals with something I know I can do so that at least I'll achieve at least one of my goals this year. Although I do try want to complete all of them if I can.

2. Have an after uni plan

Like so many students in university, we get hit with this question on a monthly or weekly basis. "What are you going to do after university?" and the answer which tends to follow this question is a very simple, straightforward answer: "I don't know." Now this year I actually do want to have an after uni plan that I'll be proud to tell people and also make leaving uni less frightening for me when the time happens knowing I have a plan in place for it.

3. Travel

I do want to travel this year and try new things. Whether it's around my very own country or abroad I just want to go somewhere different. Just have new experiences and travelling somewhere can make that happen. Whether it's by car, bus, train or aeroplane I feel like travelling somewhere new will be an experience in itself.

4. Blog More

Now I'm not going to lie. 2017 was a very disappointment year for my blog. I took a very long and unexpected blogging break. I kind of lost the motivation to blog and I felt like the blog posts I was writing were not good enough. I think I set a rather unachievable goal at the start of the year to make 200 blog posts. Maybe it was the pressure that got to me I don't know but I'm going to be blogging more. Maybe even make a post more than once a week. Who knows. However, I am going to set a goal I know I can achieve because I have done it in the past and that is in 2018 I'm going to make 100 blog posts. So this year you'll be hearing from me at least 100 times. I know I can do this because I have reached over 100 blog posts one year and nearly the year before that so I know I can do it and I will do it for you all. So keep your eyes on this blog as more blog posts will be coming at you.

5. Declutter Stuff

Now this is actually a random one but it is actually something I need to do and this year I plan to do it. As I'm moving out of my student house this year I've sort of gathered a lot of stuff and I feel like if I leave the decluttering all in May and June before I move out then I might get a little stressed and attached to things so in January and February I'm going to declutter my stuff. It's going to be during my breaks during my assingments (I know I live an exciting student life). What I mean is that I have a few bits and bobs that I've kept in my life as a sort of just in case. I have some boxes under my bed filled with a lot of these just in cases and quite frankly. I don't need them so my plan is to declutter all this stuff so that by the time moving out day comes it can be so much easier knowing I don't have much pointless junk. I recommend you to do this do. I'm sure you have some stuff that you're just hoarding just in case. Try to declutter your bedroom at least because I can gurantee you have stuff under your bed or on top of the wardrobe or in drawers that you do not use but have a very specific just in case to keep it. I may do an entire blog post about decluttering because I have some much more to say on it. Also declutter your emails too. I'm sure you get loads of promotional emails and spam emails that you always end up deleting. Declutter them. Unsubscribe from emails. That way when you get an email it won't be a pointless one and you don't have to go through the hassle of deleting them. Yet those promotional spam emails always seem to find their way to your inbox. Oh well. Try to declutter as best you can.

6. Just have fun

This one I'm going to try and make an effort to do because I like having fun and being happy. It's a really great feeling. Honestly, I'd rather have a fun life than a boring life so I'm going to try and make the effort to just have fun. Maybe even try new hobbies or actually making plans to do stuff rather than just sitting at home all day. I plan to get up and leave the house everyday. Even if it's just to go for a really long walk. At least I'm doing something. I spend way too many hours inside sometimes or even days on end and honestly it gets to a point where it becomes boring. Yet I always feel great after going outside for a walk. I feel like I'm actually doing something with my life rather than wasting. I recommend to you all reading this now to do the same. Don't waste your days on social media or inside all day. Go outside everyday. Go for a walk. Go to the shops. Go for coffee. Go somewhere. Anywhere. Maybe visit a new place. Catch a train or a bus somewhere. Do something different and unexpected. Whether you do it alone or with someone. At least you're doing something and making the most of your life. I can gurantee it'll improve your mental health and yourself. Make this year different to the rest. Make it a fun year and not a boring year filled with regret. Just start living.

Anyway, that's all my goals I have for 2018. I don't want to get carried away by setting more goals because I probably won't achieve them then I'll be disappointed. I think though this year I've set some rather achievable goals which I know I can do if I put my mind to it. It's up to me to do them and nobody else. Already by setting these goals I feel positive about this year. I can already feel that this year is going to be a very good year. As the title of this post suggests. It is the start of something new and I plan on trying new things. I already have something new that I'm trying this year which I'm excited about. I'm going to see a live stage show alone but I'm going to see my favourite YouTubers: Dan and Phil. I'm so excited for it and I know that'll be experience that I can gurantee will make a great blog post. So take my advice and try new things. Make this year count. As everyone says you only live once so live a fun life and not a boring one.

I'm also going to leave an image of my current page views (as it was when I screenshotted it on the 31st December 2017) just so I can look back at this post in a years time just to see how much my blog has grown. I think it'll be interesting to see.

I'll be back again soon with another post for you so I'll see you then.

All I have to say now though is: Here's to 2018!

Megan x


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