Feeling Blue

Sometimes life does get you down and sometimes hit you unexpectedly that you just can't help but feel blue. 

That's okay. We're all allowed to have off days. They happen. Sometimes when we least expect it as we could some news or find something out or something happened that caused us to feel blue. Oftentimes there's a reason for it and other times there's no reason for it. 

We all have days where we just don't want to do a lot or we're feeling a little overwhelmed that our emotions are a little sensitive that even when the slightest thing goes wrong, we burst into tears. That's okay. It happens. 

How do we overcome this feeling of being blue? One of the things is doing something you enjoy. One that really has helped me is scrapbooking. Just listening to the music and focusing on creating a new page in my scrapbook by putting different pieces together has really helped me. It's focusing my mind and even for a short time I can just relax by being creative for a while. It's great. Putting your focus on something you enjoy can really help you to improve your mood whether it's scrapbooking, playing a video game or reading a book. Whatever makes you happy then do it as it will help you to stop feeling blue even if it's just for a short time. Sometimes all we need is a little distraction in your life to stop us from feeling blue.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and I'll be back tomorrow with another post.

See you then. 

Megan x

*This is not a sponsored post*

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