
Okay is just a word and yet it has so many different meanings.

Okay was a big thing back in 2014 with the Fault In Our Stars and it was a good thing. It made people happy.

Sometimes when okay is spelt differently then it has more meanings.

Like when someone just writes K then that means you don't care or you're annoyed about something to the point you have to write just one letter. That's understandable. I try to avoid writing K at all costs because I know K means bad.

Now, something new to the picture is "It's okay not to be okay." That's a phrase most likely you will find on many people's social media pages. As if the phrase is helping. Well, I'm going to be honest that phrase is not helping. Are we encouraging people who are not okay that it's completely fine and normal. I mean it is a normal thing but what if there is more to it than that. Shouldn't you realise that what they're trying to tell you is that they are not okay but they are afraid to come out with it.

Mental health is a confusing thing. We live in a world where we're afraid to tell people whether or not we're okay because of their reaction. They may not understand what you mean or just to tell you to get over it. By the way, if you just tell someone to get over it or just be happy then that is not helping. That just makes it ten times worse because that means you don't care.

The time to talk is now. Talking about what's wrong is one step closer to feeling better. Actually listen if someone is not okay. Text them. Make them feel like they do matter. Invite them out for coffee or a walk or shopping. Make them feel like they are wanted and not just a pain. They're probably sitting at home thinking they do not matter. The reality is they do matter. Every life in this world matters and we all need to stick together. Instead of bringing each other down. Let's lift each other up.

The truth of the matter is we are not okay so now is the time to take action. Instead of posting useless quotes which say phrases like "it's okay not to be okay" or something about mental health. Why not get off your social media and do something. Message a friend you haven't spoken to in a while. Talk to your family you haven't visited in a long time. You never really know what someone is going through and they might not tell you what's wrong. They may hide it but the trick is to make that person feel like they belong. Hang out with them, message them everyday. I can guarantee if you message them then it will make their day. They probably haven't had a real conversation with anyone in years. Now's the time to make them feel special and show them they matter.

Anyway, I know I rambled a bit here but it's just something that's been playing on my mind recently. I really do hope that if you're reading this and that you're okay. If you're not then talk to someone or even message me. I am always up for a chat.

Now is the time to stop posting on social media and actually start talking.

I'll be back again soon with another post.

See you then.

Megan x 

*This is not a sponsored post*

For business enquiries or just a chat email: megantimeblog@gmail.com


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