11 Tips For Lock Down

As many of you are aware, we are meant to be in a lock down where we should stay inside. This is very confusing for all of us and nobody really knows the right or wrong way of being in lock down. I thought I'd make this post to give you guys some tips on what to do during lock down.

1. Create a schedule for yourself
Your days may get very confusing and while it is very tempting to sit around, doing nothing all day. Try to get yourself into a new routine by creating a weekly schedule. Dedicate days to specific jobs or tasks you have to do whether it's jobs around the house or work stuff you need to get done. Try to create a schedule for yourself.

2. Keep yourself busy with different hobbies
Now is the time to try out some new hobbies. Afterall, now we have the time to do these things. Whether that's learning a new language, baking something new or creating some form of art. Even doing some gardening or growing a plant is a way to keep you busy.

3. Don't panic, everything is going to be fine
The chances are you may or may not get the coronavirus. You may even have it or gotten it before and you don't even know it. Try not to panic. If you think you got the symptoms, just listen to the advice of social isolation for two weeks. Hopefully if you do this then you should get better. Of course, if your symptoms get worse then see medical attention but that is the worst case scenario.

4. Stay off social media 
One of the worst things you can do is spend the majority of your time on social media. I have deleted the Facebook app off my phone because everyone is just posting non stop about the coronavirus and it was driving me insane. Try to spend time away from social media because it is not good for you and just may make you even more anxious about everything that is going on.

5. Do listen to government advice and follow the guidelines set in place
Of course nobody really anticipated this happening. The best thing to set your mind a little at rest is to listen to the government advice plus follow any guidelines set in place. I will leave a link at the bottom of this post to the UK's government website which has a list of the guidelines you should follow.

6. Try not to listen to rumours or spread gossip
I have been hearing so many rumours and gossip that people have been spreading around. About how many cases are in the area and what not. The best thing you can do is not listen to any rumours or any gossip about the coronavirus. Just listen to the government advice and what they have to say because they have more of an idea about what's going in the country than your peers do.

7. Look at the positives
To every situation there are many positives to look at. You get to spend more quality time inside with your family. You have more time to learn new skills and hobbies. Even make a plan about all the things you are going to do when this lock down is over. Everything will be okay. Just stay positive.

8. Do go out in the garden
Fresh air is important and it is good to go outside for our own mental health and sanity. Do take advantage of your own back garden if you are lucky to have one. Do some reading outside. Tidy up the garden or even eat your dinner in the garden. Maybe your household could even camp out in the garden. There are so many possibilities. Being on lock down doesn't mean you can't go out into your own garden. We all need to get some fresh air instead of staying cooped up inside all day.

9. Spring Cleaning
Now is the perfect time to do some spring cleaning. Get your household involved or just do it yourself. It doesn't have to be boring. You can listen to some of your favourite songs while you do. Just think if you're cleaning your entire house then it's unlikely the coronavirus will enter your house because it's so clean.

10. Do some journaling
If you're feeling down or struggling. Write all your thoughts down in a journal. Think of it like a lock-down diary. You may find just writing how you feel down will lift a weight off your shoulders. Also if you keep a little journal during this lock-down then you can always look back at it in the future and remember the big lock down of 2020.

11. This will all be over eventually
Within time this will all be over and we will hopefully be able to laugh it. This won't be forever so just try to stay positive and everything will be okay.

Anyway, that's all my tips for the lock down. I am sure there are many more and I would love to hear them in the comments below. I know this is very confusing and I am still trying to get my head around things but hopefully within time it will all be over.

Thank you for reading and I'll be back tomorrow with another post for you.

See you then.

Megan x 

*This is not a sponsored post*

For business enquiries or just a chat email: megantimeblog@gmail.com

UK Government Guidelines for Coronavirus (COVID-19): https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus


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