25 Questions

I thought I'd recreate my first post by answering 25 questions. After almost six years since my first post, I figured my answers will be different so here is the 25 questions tag. I have no idea who made this tag but I am sure you can find out online and this is just a bit of fun after all.

1. Do you have any pets?
I've never had a pet of my own. My dad did have a dog who sadly passed away last year.

2. Name three things that are physically close to you.
My wireless keyboard that I am currently typing on, my mug of coffee and my laptop.

3. What's the weather like right now?
It's currently a beautiful sunny day.

4. Do you drive and if so have you ever crashed?
I don't drive but I was involved in a small crash when I was younger and luckily nobody got hurt. Just the front of our car was badly damaged.

5. What time did you wake up this morning?
Half past eight.

6. When was the last time you showered?
Yesterday morning.

7. What was the last movie you saw? 
Jesus Christ Superstar (2012 Live Arena Tour)

8. What does your last text message say?
Hope you are okay. Reading my book in bed. Good night my lovely girl xxx - Mum

9. What's your ringtone?
Hedwig's Theme - Harry Potter

10. Have you ever been to a different country?
Yeah, I've been to a few. America, France, Spain, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Jersey, Belgium, Corfu, Crete and Malta. I went on a lot of family holidays when I was younger.

11. Do you like sushi?
I do like sushi as long as there's no salmon on it.

12. Where do you buy your groceries?
Tesco usually but recently it's been either Home Bargains or Spar.

13. Have you ever taken medication to help you fall asleep faster?
Nope, never.

14. How many siblings do you have?
I have four all together. One older brother, two older sisters and one younger brother.

15. Do you have a desktop computer or a laptop?
I have two laptops and no desktop computer.

16. How old will you be turning on your next birthday?
I will be 24 in October.

17. Do you wear contacts or glasses?
I wear glasses as I am short sighted.

18. Do you colour your hair? 
I do. The last colour I did was brown and I am planning on dying my hair again soon.

19. Tell me something you were planning on doing today?
Going outside to buy some essentials.

20. When was the last time you cried?
I think it was a couple of days ago. I had a little breakdown.

21. What is your perfect pizza topping?
The meteor pizza from Dominoes, BBQ chicken or Hawaiian.

22. Which do you prefer: hamburgers or cheeseburgers?

23. Have you ever had an all nighter?
Yep, many times.

24. What is your eye colour?

25. Can you taste the difference between Pepsi and Coke?
I can and I prefer coke, although I do love Pepsi Max.

Anyway, that's the 25 questions. Feel free to give it a try yourself. It's always fun answering questions about yourself.

Thank you for reading my blog and I'll be back tomorrow with another post.

See you then.

Megan x 

*This is not a sponsored post*

For business enquiries or just a chat email: megantimeblog@gmail.com


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