Dealing With Heartbreak

Getting your heart broken is one of the worst feelings in the world. One of the biggest struggles is actually getting over a heartbreak. Everyone experiences heartbreak differently. Whether it's losing someone to death or dealing with a one-sided love and getting cheated on, to your parents getting divorced. I can say I've been through a lot of heart aches in my life and I never really knew how to deal with them. I want to say I'm still over a few of them but the reality is I'm not. I always go back and think of all the what ifs. I'm an overthinker and it can be a struggle.

I thought I'd make this post as a way to help each other out with dealing with a heartbreak. I know it's hard and I'm not saying all these tips will work for you but they might help you in dealing with your heartbreak.

1. It's okay to cry
It's upsetting to get your heartbroken. Sometimes you just need to cry about it. That doesn't make you weak and it shows you care so much. It's good to have a cry over it because it feels like you're letting your emotions out. It's perfectly normal to cry if you get your heartbroken.

2. Talk about it 
If you get your heartbroken, the worst thing you can do is bottle it all up inside you. Talk to someone about it. Whether it's your family or friends. It's good to talk about it because they will listen to you and know you're going through a tough time. They will help you get through it.

3. Accept it
One of the toughest things about getting your heartbroken is accepting it. Especially if you've gone through a break up, the last thing you should do is rely on false hope that they'll get in touch with you and you'll get back together. You need to accept it's over and not get drawn on the idea of the false hope you'll reunite. I've been there with my ex. I found out I was the other girl which broke my heart but I didn't want to let him go, even though I knew he was with another. I made a mistake by seeing him again two months after it was over for just one day. I thought it would feel good to see him again and gave me hope that he might choose me. Let's just say I felt horrible afterwards and never saw him again. I thought my heart was breaking all over again because I was relying on false hope. That's why it's really important to accept it's over. I know it will be hard but accepting your heartbreak instead of relying on false hope will help you so much with dealing with it.

4. Memories
One thing you may find yourself doing when you're going through heartbreak is looking back at your memories. Whether it's going through photos or mementos of times you spent together. However, depending on what your heartbreak is then going through your memories can either be a good thing or a bad thing.

If you've lost someone to death or your parents have gotten divorced, something along those lines then going through photos and mementos can be a good thing. You're remembering the happier times you shared with those people and it will either make you smile or upset you. It's important to keep those memories with you so you have something to look back on when you're thinking about that person.

When it comes to a break up, it's important to get rid of those photos and mementos of your ex. I know it's going to be hard and you should probably do it with a close friend for moral support. It has to be done because this is one step closer to dealing with your heartbreak. Getting rid of reminders of your ex will help you to move on and it'll make you feel a little bit better knowing you're not being reminded of your ex.

5. Plan for the future
As much as looking back in the past is good, looking forward to the future is even better. Start making plans for yourself and have something to look forward to. Focusing on your plans instead of on your heartbreak will make you feel a little better. It will also keep you busy making plans and be distracted during this tough time.

6. Self-Care
Taking care of yourself is the most important thing to do when you're going through a heartbreak. Knowing your mental health is being taken care of will make everything easier. Give yourself a little pamper session, make yourself feel good on the inside and outside. Go for a walk outside, don't stay cooped up inside all day. Get some fresh air and enjoy being outside. Make sure you are also getting enough sleep. Knowing you're well rested is important for getting through the day. Definitely take care of yourself if you are going through a heartbreak.

7. Do what makes you happy
Now is the perfect time to do things that make you happy. Whether that's hanging out with your friends, going out for a meal, reading a good book or doing a bit of travelling. It's good to make sure you're happy and doing things that bring joy to your life. You deserve to be happy and you shouldn't let your heartbreak bring you down. Do what makes you happy and you will get through your heartbreak.

Anyway, that's all the advice I have for dealing with heartbreak. I hope this was useful to any of you going through a rough time. I truly hope you will feel better and I promise you, you will get through this. Trust me.

Thank you for reading and I'll be back again tomorrow with another post.

See you then.

Megan x 

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