A Letter To My Future Self

To Future Megan,

So, I did this before to my sixteen year old self and thought it would be an interesting idea to write a letter to my future self. It seems relevant to do this now as it is a very confusing time for everyone at the moment. I kind of hope this letter future self will look back at this time and hopefully we have come of it okay. 

Currently as I am writing this, we are in a lock down period and told to stay inside. Being told to stand two metres apart from one another. Being someone who likes my personal space, this is not exactly a problem for me. Going shopping though is a struggle or in my case not exactly possible. I usually look forward to a trip to the shops but not anymore. Mostly because I live with my mum and I never realised how much I enjoyed shopping with her until suddenly shopping with her became an issue. In the big supermarkets they have this stupid rule where it's one adult per shopping trolley. I can't even walk with my own mum around a supermarket. It's not so bad in the smaller shops because I can go around with my mum without having people judging me that I am standing close to my mum. 

It's a very confusing time and I kind of hope that in a year's time that we are past this and life can continue on as normal. I hope when you read this letter that you remember this really confusing time and appreciate being able to go outside without fear of judgement or just go to a supermarket with your own mum and it not be a problem. 

Maybe this time will make us all appreciate our normal lives just a bit more and what really matters. Hopefully we will all get through this and everything will be okay.

That's all I have to say about it. I hope your future self is having a blast right now and when you're done reading, get your future self to get up and go outside. Go for a walk. Treat yourself to a coffee at a cafe. Breathe in the fresh air and feel grateful for what you have. You only get one life after all so start living.

From your 2020 self,

Megan x 

*This is not a sponsored post*

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