Things To Do Before University Begins

1. Pack
Obviously you need to pack before you go to university. I'm not sure I know many people who move away to university for the first time and not bring anything with them. It's physically impossible and you don't have a lot of time to buy everything when you're there. Of course if you've forgotten anything then you can buy it when you get there but that's it. I'd recommend starting packing one month before you go. Don't pack everything but just start packing little things and work out things that you don't have yet that you need to get. It will save you a lot of time on the day before you move to university if you have everything packed and ready and you can just do one final check of it all.

2. Make a LinkedIn Page 
You may not think this is important before you go to university but trust me it will come in handy. Especially when it comes to network and search for employment, at least you have a LinkedIn profile they can look at. It's like an online CV in a sense so it will really help you out in the long run if you make a LinkedIn page before you go to university. 

3. Clear out and organise your inbox 
From the moment you get accepted into university, you're gonna get a lot of emails from your university and some of them will be important emails that don't want to lose. Clearing out my inbox was the best thing I've done. With my emails you can put them into categories which hides them away from your main emails so now my inbox is empty so whenever I get a new email if it's not important I can just delete. I've also managed to unsubscribe from a lot of spam and promotional emails which has cleared up my inbox too. It gives me reassurance that I know exactly where certain emails are for example I've made a category for all my university emails which helps me out a lot. You may as well do it now and it will save you time later. 

4. Declutter 
Now more than ever is a good time to start decluttering. Whether that's old school stuff and toys or just things you no longer find joy from and are just cluttering up space. It also makes you realise what's important and what's not. Of course your bedroom and stuff is not going to go anywhere if you leave it behind because you will be going home during the holidays. It's just a good idea to start decluttering now rather than doing it later. You can even follow KonMari's method to decluttering where if it sparks joy then keep but if it doesn't, thank it and get rid of it. This includes things like clothes, DVDs, games, books, paper etc. You'll feel so much better knowing you're not holding onto things that you don't want or need.

5. Get yourself into a routine 
Before you move away to university and have to get used to the idea of 9am lectures, now would be a good time to get yourself into a bit of routine. By this I mean waking up and going to sleep at the same time everyday. Start waking up early at 7am (I know it's super early) but that's what happens when you have a 9am lecture. You don't have to get up at that time but just waking up at that time everyday will soon train your body to do it naturally. The same thing with going to sleep. Try to get at least 7 to 8 hours worth of sleep. I like to be in bed by time and try to fall asleep before midnight. It will really help you to get into a routine now so that you're prepared for when you go to university.

6. Sort your student finance 
It's important to check your finances and see how much student loan you're going to get. One of the most important things to pay while at university is your tuition fees and your rent plus your groceries. Anything else is pretty much a bonus. It's important to make sure you budget your year because it may all fun and games when the student loan comes in but make sure you can actually pay your rent. One thing I would do is pay my rent in advance whether that was three months in advance or more. In my first year when I was living in halls they took the money for the term's rent a week after the loan when in so then I knew whatever money I had left over was for groceries and me. It also may be wise to consider whether or not you need a part time job to help you out with money. Even if you don't need a part time job for money, you'll get some work experience and it will look good on your CV. It's really important to sort out your student finance before you go to university.

7. Research 
It's all good and well going to university but it's not good if you have no idea what your course is about, what you'll be studying, what modules you have and what is available at the university. Now is a good time to get some research done and even print out a few things like the course modules and information. I'm not saying go crazy and do 100 pages worth of research. Just do enough so that you feel prepared when you go to university and know what your course is all about.

8. Set some goals 
Goals are important because it feels great when you achieve your goals. Obviously your main goal is to get the degree at the end but try to think about other goals. For example goals for working on your skills or getting into fitness. One goal that I think is important is to figure out what you want to do when you finish university. Figure out what you want to do in your career and work out what you need to do in order to get there. Whether that's working on your IT Skills, gaining more confidence in presenting or a specific skill catered towards that career. Try working on it. It will make university life a little bit easier if you know what you want to do at the end of it.

9. Enjoy some quality time with family and friends 
Of course that's a little difficult in the current circumstances but do have a little catch up with some family and friends before you leave. Let them know when you're leaving so you can arrange a time to spend before you leave. Even if it's a simple video chat or if you are able to meet up then do it. You will be glad that you did because you may not know when the next time you see them will be and it will be nice to have a proper catch up before you go.

Anyway, that is some things you can do before university begins. I'm sure there's a few other things you can do before university starts but I can't think of them right now. If you have any suggestions, you can leave them in the comments below. I would love to hear them.

So this brings us to the end of my week of university posts. I hope you enjoyed them and they were helpful to any of you going to university this year. Things might be a little different during these uncertain times but hopefully we can make the most of it and have the best experience ever. 

Thank you for taking the time to view my blog and read some of the posts I've made. It does mean a lot to make and it feels worthwhile knowing one of my posts could be making someone's day or helping them out in some way. I love blogging and I'm going to keep doing it until I physically can't. I was viewing some of my older posts the other day from when I was in university which made me really glad I made posts back then because now I can look back on them and remember those days like they were yesterday. My blog isn't just a place for people to read, it's full of memories for me like my own personal online journal and I'm proud to be able to share it with you. Thank you again for reading my blog, you have no idea how much it makes me happy.

I'll be back again soon with another post for you. 

See you then. 

Megan x 

*This is not a sponsored post*

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