University Packing List

Packing for university can be quite daunting. For a lot of students it's the first time living away from home and it may be quite tempting to pack everything but the kitchen sink. Also the excuse just in case will be used quite a lot. As I spent three years in university I've discovered what the important things to pack are and what's not so important. I did bring a lot of stuff which I didn't end up using so I thought I'd share with you my own university packing list which will hopefully help some of you guys out when it comes time to start packing.

1. Important documents
Of course when you're moving away from home it's important to have the important documents with you. I would highly recommend getting a box file to put these documents in so that you know where they are and you can easily find them.
  • University acceptance letter
  • Accommodation details
  • Student finance details
  • National Insurance Number/Card
  • Passport/Licence (You need some form of I.D.)
  • Bank account details/Bank card 
  • Student discount cards (Railcard, NUS etc.
  • Box file for your important documents
2. Bedroom
One thing I would try to find out before you go to university is what size the bed is in your accommodation. Hopefully you'll be able to find that info out on the accommodation website. It will help you because you may have a single bed or 3/4 bed or a double bed. I'll be having a 3/4 bed when I go to university so I'm going to take double bedding with me as it will fit a 3/4 bed.
  • Mattress protector (just because you never know who last slept in the bed.)
  • Duvet + Pillows + Covers x2 (I would recommend taking two covers with you as you can always buy some new ones when you're there.)
  • Blankets (In Autumn and Winter it's gonna be cold and you never know what the heating will be like.)
  • Laundry basket (You can either buy one or just use a reusable shopping bag, whatever is easiest to carry to the launderette.)
  • Clothing Hangers (Unfortunately coat hangers are not provided in student accommodation like they are in hotels so you're gonna have to bring your own.)
  • Alarm Clock (Have a physical alarm clock, do not rely on your phone because you never know.)
  • Lamp (You may get lucky and have a lamp by your bed but it's always good to bring your own lamp in case you don't.. Plus it's extra lighting and you don't always want the main light on.)
3. Bathroom
Whether you are lucky enough to have your own en-suite or a shared bathroom. You may just have a sink in your room. You still need stuff for the bathroom.
  • Soap/Hand Gel (For obvious reasons.)
  • Toothbrush + Toothpaste + Holder
  • Wash bag with toiletries (You can take the basic toiletries and buy some new toiletries when you get there.)
  • Towel x 3 (You don't need to bring a lot of towels with you as you can always wash them. I'm using mine for my body, my hair and a hand towel.)
  • Sanitary products (Just because.)
  • Hair Dryer/Straightener/Curler (You may want to dry and style your hair while you're at uni.)
  • Mirror (It's good to bring your own mirror as you never know if your room or the bathroom will have one.)
4. Kitchen
Now you don't need the latest kitchenware. Just buy what you'll actually use. Don't buy a whole load of baking stuff if you don't bake. I would also recommend getting cheap or asking family if they have any spare kitchen wear for you to use. Most likely you may get kitchenware stolen as it's stored in the shared kitchen. It happens so don't make such a fuss and it's not so bad if it was second hand or cheap stuff. New stuff tends to be appealing to poor students. I'm not saying all students are kitchen thieves but you do get some unusual cases. In my case, I was just an idiot who ended up breaking two bowls and a plate but it wasn't so bad to me as it was second hand. You also don't need to bring a lot of stuff as it's just you, I would recommend just bringing two of everything when it comes to crockery and cutlery just so you have a spare set.
  • Crockery x 2 (Plates, bowls, side plates, mugs) 
  • Cutlery x 2 (teaspoons, forks, knives, table spoons)
  • Chopping board
  • Frying pan
  • Saucepan (You can manage with one saucepan.)
  • Baking tray
  • Mixing bowl
  • Measuring jug
  • Tea Towels x 2
  • Wooden spoon
  • Spoon with holes
  • Spatula
  • Grater
  • Tin Opener (Most tin openers also have a bottle opener on them.)
  • Corkscrew/bottle opener
  • Sharp knife
  • Peeler
  • Scissors
  • Tupperware
  • Recipe book (It's always good to learn some new recipes while at university.)
  • Groceries (You need to eat)
5. Electronics
Of course you're gonna need some electronics while you're at university.
  • Laptop + charger (Honestly every student needs a laptop, do not rely on the university computers. It just makes it easier to do your work. You don't need an expensive one. Just one that can let you do the basics.)
  • Phone + charger (I doubt you'll forget this but I thought I may as well mention it.)
  • Extension Lead (The plugs may be an awkward place and if you can, take two.) 
  • Memory stick (Backing up your work is so important, you don't want to be that person that lost their work.)
  • Printer (This is optional as there's nothing wrong with using the university printers but it's just useful to have. Especially if you're doing work late at night and you need to print something out.)
  • Headphones (For obvious reasons)
  • Game console (Again this is optional but you may get bored on some days plus it works as a DVD player)
  • Television (Another optional thing but I liked having a TV when I was in uni the first time, check if you need a TV licence though.) 
  • Camera + charger (You will want to capture the memories of university)
6. Stationary
Now I'm not saying you need all the stationary in the world and you can get whatever works for you but you will need to do some work while at university so you may as well get some stationary.
  • Notebooks (I personally prefer using the A5 notebooks as they were easier to take notes and I liked the ones with dividers in as it makes it easier to carry around my lecture notes.) 
  • Pencil case with all the basic stationary (Yes even in university a pencil case is handy and just makes life easier for yourself.)
  • Binders (It's always good to have a place to store your lecture notes and any handouts given in the lectures)
  • Hole Punch (I'm not talking about a cheap plastic hole punch, I'm talking about the metal ones that measure the paper. It's just super handy to have and you will be grateful you have one.)
  • Post it notes (You're gonna be doing a lot reading and referencing so it's good to have post it notes to mark pages)
  • Planner/Calendar (Deadlines are so important so it's a good way to mark down how much time you have to get things done and to stay organised)
  • Course books (I was lucky that my university actually provided me with free course books that I got to keep which are going to be so useful when going to university. Of course there is always the library but it's good to have some books of your own as you're going to be having your head in the books a lot of the time.)
7. Clothing
Of course it's entirely up to you what clothing you bring but if you're starting university in September then it's very unlikely you're going to be needing your summer wardrobe.
  • Casual clothes 
  • Underwear + Socks + Bras
  • Dressing gown + Slippers (Essential student wear)
  • Coat (Especially if you live in the UK because it's gonna rain)
  • Shoes 
  • Smart office outfit (You may have to attend an interview or do an internship or present to some important people so you need to have some smart clothes on you.) 
  • Sportswear/Swimwear (You may be going to the gym or swimming or you may just use these to lounge around in. Whatever works for you.)
  • Fancy dress (I'm not saying bring a full fancy dress outfit but do bring some basic accessories like a tie or a moustache or animal ears. Sometimes there are theme student nights so it's always good to have some fancy dress on you.)
8. Healthcare
Of course, you need to be responsible for your own health while you're at university. You may get the flu or a cold in the first few months and so you're going to need to be prepared.
  • Basic first aid kit (Pain killers, plasters, cold/flu medicine, antiseptic cream etc.)
  • Medication (Allergies, Birth control etc)
  • Glasses (If you need them)
  • Condoms (Whatever gender you are. Bring some with you and be responsible.)
  • Medical documents (You may need these if you register with a doctor.)
  • Face mask (Currently we're still in a pandemic so get a face mask. A reusable one or a disposable one. It's up to you.)
9. Miscellaneous
Now for all the things I wasn't sure what category to put in so they just go here and you probably won't want to forget either
  • Backpack (Handy for lectures or doing your weekly grocery shop in.)
  • Small sewing kit (It's just handy to have just in case.)
  • Personal touches i.e. decor/posters (You're gonna get homesick whether you like it or not so it's nice to add some personal touches to your new room to make you feel at home.)
  • Books (While it's tempting to bring your entire bookshelf. You won't read them all. Obviously bring your favourites if you know you're going to read them. For me that's the Harry Potter series. Just try not to bring too many.
  • Film/TV Box-sets (Box-sets are great because they take up less room and you get more out them. Just try not to bring too many as there's always Netflix or Amazon Prime.) 
  • Video games (Cause they're fun)
  • Pack of cards (Always handy to have on you)
Anyway, that's my university packing list. Of course you can add things and take away things from this list. This is pretty much all the stuff I'm taking with me. I hope this is helpful to any of you going to university and this will make the packing less daunting even though there is still a lot of stuff on here. 

Thanks for reading my blog and I'll be back tomorrow with another university related post.

See you then.

Megan x

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